Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 24, 2011


I had to share this hilarious video of Max laughing hysterically. The boys are SO incredibly ticklish, and both in the same spots. We love torturing them whenever possible.

A quick update on the little one. He has been practicing the art of standing up by using his 2 activity tables. He can lean against them (as long as they're pushed up against something stationary) and play for a good 10 or 15 minutes without fussing. He fusses because he hasn't figured out how to get down yet...hehe. :) Not a week ago if you held him above the ground he would refuse to put his feet down, like he was saying, what are you waiting on, put me all the way down on the floor. However, the other night we put the legs on one of this tables and I encouraged/forced his legs down, propped him up, and he loved it. Ever since he's happily put his feet down whenever. I've even attempted to practice walking. Of course he's a long, LONG way away from this skill, but he made progress a couple days ago, if even just the smallest bit. I held on to his hands and tried to sway side to side while pulling ever so slightly to encourage his feet to move forward. He had never truly done it himself before but he did 3 or 4 times that night. I cheered and he smiled as if he was proud of himself but he didn't know what for. Adorable!!!

I remember when K was just a baby, around the same age as Max. So full of personality and joy already. I remember feeling so happy to have this baby, this person, this "thing" in my life that makes my heart hurt with how much I love him. I admittedly didn't think that I could feel that way about anything else. But every night when I'm carrying this baby boy up the stairs, smiling at Daddy until he's out of sight, giggling and "talking" when he looks at the pictures that decorate the walls of our stairway, and hugging, literally hugging me before I lay him in bed, a happiness comes over me that I simply cannot put into words. I leave his room with a sense of peace and excitement for the next day when I get to do it all again. I am so grateful for these 2 boys and every emotion they allow me to have. Hoping that you take a moment to think about something, large or small, that makes you feel the same way.

Good night!

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