Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Kaelan is 5 and Updates

Well, believe it or not, Kaelan Michael is now 5 years old!!!!!  I can't believe it myself.  He continues to be all boy and becomes a better big brother every day (good thing too...).  Kaelan often shares his toys with Max or gives him something else similar to play with if he doesn't want him playing with the same toys.  His imagination during play has improved as well.  It is so fun and interesting to listen to him while he's playing by himself.  His toys/characters have some wonderful adventures.  This was a skill that I'm SO glad he is developing more and more because it will only be more and more difficult to find time for Mommy & K playtime.  It will be even better when Maddox gets a little older and can truly play with his brother instead of just along-side him. 
Kaelan is still not a huge fan of eating or sleeping but he's doing much better about trying new foods and eating what is put on his plate, without too much of a fight.  I've started letting him skip naps and play quietly in the living room while his brother is sleeping.  It hasn't lengthened his sleep in the mornings (still wakes up between 6:30-7 every day), but I think it encourages him to go to sleep quicker in the evenings.  There were seriously nights that he would still be awake at 9:30-10:00 singing to himself.  BTW, if anyone knows how to stop a kid from singing and/or making noises CONSTANTLY, please let me know.  That is one of his behavior issues right now.  He just can NOT seem to be silent...EVER!!!!  Quiet singing or humming to oneself is very normal I know, but his goes WAY beyond that unfortunately.  I think it's part of his "active" imagination/creativity but nonetheless, it's annoying and often times very inappropriate.  He also tends to be too crazy and too loud at times, but I have to say this habit is improving...thank god!!!!!  I'm hoping to nip it in the bud before Max gets old enough to create the same habits, although I fear it might be too late.  Max is often the instigator in the "wrestling" or craziness.  I know "boys will be boys" (Dad), but the problem is the small stuff ALWAYS escalates, and escalates quickly, especially in the close quarters of the apartment.  It's just easier to nip the behavior in the bud immediately instead of dealing with the screams, injuries, etc. afterwards.
His strengths continue to be his artistic abilities, enginuity, creativity, and sense of humor.  He LOVES to draw (still mostly pirates and pirate ships) and figure out how things work.  He's still into all the typical boy stuff like pirates still, super heroes, Star Wars, swords/guns, cars, and knights.  He loves to play outside whenever possible, especially going to playgrounds, riding his bike, or playing with friends.  We recently signed him up for t-ball that is set to start in March so we're really looking forward to that.  His age group will eventually move into coach-pitched at some point during the season.  K seems to be better at hitting a ball that is pitched than one that is on a T so it'll be interesting to see how he does.  I'm also hoping that his "sillies" can control themselves so he can really learn and not just play around and goof off like he did in football.  We shall see!!!!  ;)  As I said above, K is a very creative littly boy which is definitely a positive characteristic (especially since his mother doesn't have an ounce of this trait).  However, it can often lead to some very descriptive and vivid nightmares unfortunately.  This kid remembers every little detail of his dreams, even days later.  His teacher seems to think it's due to his creative personality.  I just hope they don't get worse as he is exposed to more and more.  They seem to be pretty innocent now, and what's super scary in a nightmare to him is still not that bad - mostly just scary faces or weird people or things talking to him.  No violence or "bad guys" so that's good for now I guess.
Finally, his 5-year well visit to the pediatrician went very well.  He is 43 inches tall (53 %ile) and weighed in at 42.5 lbs (64 %ile) so he is very healthy.  He also didn't have to get any vaccines which made him very happy.  He even got to do a flu mist instead of a shot like Max and I did.  The best part of the visit however, was that I got to take both boys at the same time (which our prior pediatrician's office would not do).  SO much easier!!!!!  More about Max's well-visit later but here are some pictures from Kaelan's birthday weekend.
We decided to have K's birthday party at a local movie theater because he loves going to the movie and we knew there wouldn't be so many kids coming that it would be too much during the actual movie.  Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the kids behaved VERY well!  Kaelan and his buddy Mason were "showing" Max their party favors.

"I can do that too!"

Who doesn't take a bow after blowing out their birthday candles?!  haha

Max showing off his cake face along with his friend Chase (K's friend Samantha's little brother - we hang out with their family quite a bit...yay for mommy friend time!!!)

Playing with his new birthday toys.  The Millenium Falcon was from Grandma & Grandpa and the Transformers Fire Station was from Nana & Papa.  He LOVES them!!!!!
Well, obviously, we are expecting our 3rd baby.  He will be here in May, 1 month shy of when we can move into our new house so we'll have a very interesting month late May/early June.  Although it was VERY much a surprise, we are excited to have another little one and are somewhat comforted by the fact that it's another boy.  A girl would have been nice, but the unknown would have amped the stress level even more.  Here are a couple ultra sound pics.

Definitely a boy!

A tiny foot

Profile shot with his hand near/or in his mouth
As for Maddox, he also had a positive well-check.  Because of the move, this was the first time we've been to our new pediatrician so they treated it as his 18-month visit.  He got 3 vaccinations, including his flu shot which he took like a champ (only cried for a second).  We all loved this pediatrician office.  There are actually 2 separate buildings - 1 for sick visits and 1 for well-checks and newborn care.  Everyone was extremely nice and most importantly, GREAT with the boys.
Anyways, our biggest worries with Max were his lack of growth and late speech development.  The dr seems to think that he is simply a late bloomer and that his growth spurt is just happening a little late because he is proportionate and his his skull hasn't grown together fully yet.  He weighed in at 22 lbs (only 2 %ile) and is 33 inches long (28 %ile).  To put his growth "stunt" in perspective, he has only gained 3 pounds since June and grown only 4 inches.  He also said he will probably continue this slower growth and might not fully finish growing until college.  Mike continued growing after high school so it didn't surprise me to hear this and made us feel much more comfortable about where Max is with his development.  As for his speech, I told him he only has 15-20 words that are understandable by people but that he has really been improving over the last couple of weeks, attempting more and more words every day.  He said he won't worry about his speech development until his 2-year well-visit so I'll keep you posted.
Max continues to be a great eater, and now that he has 2 molars (on the bottom), he is able to actually chew and swallow his food instead of spitting out all that he can't break down.  He is more than willing to try ANYTHING you put in front of him, and his face is priceless if he finds out he doesn't like it.  :)  As I've said before, he has my sweet-tooth but also LOVES meat (ground beef and meatballs are his favorite). 
Behaviorally, he is still super sweet and super lovey, but he can also be quite the ornery little guy as well.  He is becoming more and more little boy instead of baby boy which is both good and bad.  :(  He is starting to potty train which is fabulous!  My goal is to get him almost all the way there before the next one comes, although 4 months is probably not enough time.  I'm hoping his love of sweets will play to my favor with rewards.  ;)
Here are the most recent pictures of the boys from the last couple of weeks.

At Monkey Joes

Watching/playing on the iPad together

Playing with his new castle we got him for his birthday

Riding the train at the mal

Big brother keeping little brother happy and calm at the dr's office...SO sweet!!!!

Playing/working together to "fix" mommy's bed

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Indy Adventures #2

Here are the rest of the photos from our visit to Indiana.  These 2 outings were the ones with the best pics so bare with me, it was hard to narrow them down. :)
The Children's Museum
First things first, Paige and Kaelan going down the winter wonderland slide

Katrina with Wes and Mike with Max


West and Max digging for dinosaur bones.  We all loved the little ones in their safety goggles!!!!

K playing nicely with Katrina and Trent's youngest, Addy (11 months)

"Cheeeeeeese!" (climbing out of a choo-choo)

I just loved the look on his face

"Peek-a-boo!"  He was a little grumpy on this day because he was getting an ear infection and was teething horribly, which is why he had his "woobie." 

He loved seeing the Rudolph from TV

Hugging his "catch" from ice fishing...such a proud boy!  :)

Another proud boy!!!!

He literally stayed at this water table for at least 30 minutes.  Finally I went to get him so he could enjoy the other activities in this area.

Max and Addy - 2 happy little ones!!!  He's almost a year older but more her size than Wes who is only a month older than he is.  :)

Helping Daddy build a tower

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!"

"Thank goodness...cheese!"
We seriously had one of the best times EVER during this trip to Lafayette!!!  Melissa, Colin, and family were up from Florida for Christmas as well so we were able to get ALL the kids together for a night of fun.  It was SOOO incredibly fabulous for all of us to be together and to watch the kids interact and play together.  Since we won't have our AFT (annual friends' trip) this year because our #3 is on the way (more about this later), it was so important to us to have this time together.
Mike, Kaelan, Paige, Jack (Melissa & Colin's oldest), and Max all playing in Katrina & Trent's basement bounce house. 

Max giving Erin (Melissa's youngest) a kiss  :)

The boys!!!  Kaelan & Jack - and yes, we found out quickly that toy golf clubs and bounce houses DO NOT go together!!!!!  ;)

Poor Gracie had hurt her ankle the day before and couldn't walk on it.  Needless to say she did not enjoy herself nearly as much as the other kiddos.  I think the look on her face says it all...while Max is saying, "Don't you want to hold my hand?"

"Seriously, why are you putting me through this Mom!!!" - Grace
"I love you Gracie!!!" - Max

"Cheese!!!"  Nothing can bring him down when he's next to a pretty girl!!!  ;)

Grace, Paige, Jack, & Max posing

I just can't get enough of this fake, cheesy smile.  I usually don't like these because they look so fake (K used to have/has a horrible one), but his is just so darn cute and he's really just trying to be agreeable.  LOVE!!!!

The big boys got a work out pulling/running the little boys around in this wagon in the basement.  Clearly, it was worth it to see these faces and hear their giggles!!

That look says everything about how much fun we all had - while Mike is out of breath...haha!

A group shot of all 8 babies in their matching pajamas - Wes, Addy, Kaelan, Grace, Max, Paige, Jack, and Erin (from left to right).  P.S. Can you tell Dora was on in the background, which is why most of the kids are glued to the TV instead of looking at the cameras.  At least they were facing the right direction.  :)

Kaelan sitting on Trent's 4-wheeler.  He enjoyed his 1st (hopefully slow) ride with Mike just a few minutes earlier.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Indy Adventures #1

Like I said before, we had a BLAST during our time in Indiana, including a couple much needed trips to Lafayette.  Here are WAY too many pictures (sorry, it was SO hard to narrow them down but I promise I did).
Christmas at the Zoo
My boys

Grandpa helping Max view the animals

Ok, so this picture does NOT make me happy.  This tiger was pacing back and forth in its enclosure and you wouldn't believe how close we were.  Anyways, I backed up and got the entire family in this shot and just as the tiger walks up, so does this random CHIC...GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!  Oh well, at least you can see how close we were to the tiger and how we sized up. 

Finally, on the way out, Kaelan got to touch his very first shark.  It took a while to get up the nerve and wait for the sharks to get close enough for his short arms but he did it.  What a brave boy!!!!
Indy Car Show
We also had the opportunity to get together with our friends the Birch family.  The guys best man in each other's weddings and we usually only get to see them once a year in the summer.  The kids (well, the sons at least) loved all the cars.  Here they are "laid back" in a Camero.  ;)
Eiteljorg Museum
We wouldn't normally think to go to a place famous for Native American and Western art and culture, but Dad read in the paper that the museum was hosting a train exhibit showcasing multiple working model trains winding around, above, and through miniaturized famous US spots.  It was, in a word, AMAZING!

This pic shows the tracks going above our heads.  Everything was so incredibly detailed and life-like.  We will definitely go back...eventually!  ;)

Luckily there was also a "kids area" on the lower level featuring models of historic US and Indiana history.


"Ride like the wind Bulls-eye!"

Beating on an old Indian drum

Cleaning up in olden times

Mom standing in front of the downtown Indianapolis portion of the train exhibit

A typical look for Max while there.  This is the face he makes when he is excitedly saying "choo-choo," which sounds more like "tsew tsew".  He was in absolute heaven!

Some family shots out front

Southeastway Park
All bundled up and ready to go

Ready with his walking stick

It was so great to have Dad around to get all these great family shots.  As much as we have always given him a hard time for taking so many pictures, I am indebted to him for capturing so many great memories!!!

Kaelan the Explorer
Trying to get everyone (and Jasmine) over the water without getting covered in mud
 Ok, that's all for this "issue".  I'll have to save the Children's Museum and our Lafayette fun for tomorrow.  There's just TOO much fun for 1 post.  :)