Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 2, 2011

9-months...can you believe it!!!

Well, our little Max is 9-months and counting now. It's kind of sad but he is SO much fun. He's still not crawling but so incredibly close we have the video camera ready at all times. His 9-month well check went pretty well although he did "get in trouble" for not gaining enough weight. He is 16.5 lbs which is only .5 lb more than he weighed at his 6-month check-up. He's never been a good eater but he had been sick for 2 weeks prior to his visit. Poor Max had a bronchial infection. He had LOTS of congestion, a pretty wicked cough, and even some difficulty breathing. On top of all that, he also had his first ear infection in his right ear. Oddly enough, he was a lucky one. Almost all the rest of the babies in his class at school had full-on RSV, one was even hospitalized. So, we consider ourselves blessed and thankful to his teachers for being proactive and encouraging us to visit the doctor just in case. Back to his stats, he is now 27 3/4 inches long which is even shorter (percentage-wise) than last time (I think he went from 40th% to 25%). Most importantly though, he sleeps well and is an extremely happy baby boy!!!

Although he can't quite crawl yet, he easily gets from one place to another by rolling and scooting. He can also go from sitting to a crawling position and then from laying, to a crawling position, back to sitting. He also loves to wave and give high-5s. He then happily claps for himself whenever we say "yea Max or good boy." :) He has an excellent pincer grasp (picking things up with his index finger and thumb) and would prefer to feed himself than get spoon-fed by Mom or Dad. For this reason we've recently given him diced cooked carrots and peas for the first time. He liked the carrots better than the peas (I don't blame him) and loves bread of any kind (again, I don't blame him). But his favorite so far came last night when he had baked beans for the first time. He shoveled those little babies in happily. He was not so happy when I had to clean him up afterwards...haha. I, obviously, am thrilled to now have a healthy meal option for him that I know he'll eat. HOORAY!!!

A small collection of photos from our recent trip to Sears Portrait Studio. I'll include some of Kaelan in a later post since this one is just about Max.

Kaelan wanted to offer his little brother a ride on his rocket ship. Guess who enjoyed it more ;)

P.S. We hope everyone had a safe and very merry Christmas and New Year. We love you all!!!

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