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Friday, August 24, 2012

AFT 2012

With a new baby and a new house, there was just no way we were going to be able to take a vacation this summer which meant no AFT (annual friends' trip) unfortunately.  However, when you have friends as fabulous as mine, they bring the AFT to you!!!  We were so lucky to have the Senasec and McCormick families come to our house this year.  There were kids, toys, and noise everywhere, but it was SO much fun!!!!! 
We spent a day downtown checking out the farmer's market and walking Main Street.  Here are the big kids, plus Max, outside O.P. Taylor's Toy Store.

I just love how Jack has his arm around Max in this pic.  Of course the boys are drooling over the pirate stuff.  ;)

Stopped a couple doors down for lunch at a mexican restaurant.  However, with 6 adults and 9 kids...

we couldn't all fit at the same table.  :)

Then the kids cooled off at the splash pad

Mischievious Uncle Trent snuck up on Kaelan
 Back at home there was plenty of time at the pool...
Future husband and wife (sorry Wes...haha)  :)
 Plenty of time being superheroes...
Kaelan as Spiderman, Paige as a ninja Ironman, and Jack as a happy, sweet, but sneaky Mickey  

Keeping us safe by fighting the evil Mike
 And plenty of time being with friends!
Gracie is such a good Mommy.  She covered up Blake and kept him safe from all the shinanigans around them.  :)

Can you tell that Kaelan was sick of getting his picture taken?  LOL
 Definitely NOT plenty of time doing this...
Sleep was NOT very high on anyone's agenda (except for Blake's thank goodness!!!).  This picture was taken at almost midnight and they had finally just fallen asleep...on the same pillow.  LOVE!
My only regret (and I have NO idea how we let this happen) was that we neglected to get even one picture of all 9 kids together.   :(((  Oh well, that's why we have AFTs, to be sure we have a time each year for us all to be together.  I guess we can wait until next summer.  :)

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