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Monday, November 1, 2010

6 months...a little late

Well, it's only a month-and-a-half late, but here are the stats from Max's 6-month well visit. Of course he is an extremely happy and healthy little guy. He weighed in at 15 lbs, 11 oz and was 26 1/4 inches tall. His head measured 17 3/4 inches around. Of course, because I procrastinated SO long, I can't remember the exact percentiles he fell in for height and weight but I wanna say it was only 40th for weight and even less than that for height. I tried to look it up online, but have you ever tried to read one of those charts? GEEZ!!!! I think I'll just ask them next month when we go in for his 9-month.

Since this, Max has had congestion on and off almost since he started school back in August. However, about a month ago he developed a pretty nasty cough that was starting to affect his sleep (and mine;)). Luckily, after taking him to the Dr., we found out it was just a lingering sinus thing (a cold) and after being on his bubble gum medicine (ammoxicillin) for a couple days now, he is back to normal. The grandparents will be happy to know that both boys have received their flu vaccinations (actually all 3 boys) although Max has to go back to get another dose next week.

Such a happy guy, and so proud of himself all the time. :)

Showing off their new Colts gear. K got 2 Colts shirts and Max got his first Colts jersey.

Complete with their names on the backs...awesome!!!! Was this a present for Mommy or the boys? Correct answer...BOTH!!!!

Giving Charlie Brown a big hug at Carowinds. This kid LOVES characters!!!

There's a new sheriff in town. "Howdy pardner!"

Here's some hilarious video of Max beginning to sit up (again, this was over a month ago-he's a pro now) and getting tickled after he's fallen over. These make my cheeks hurt!!!!


  1. Can you believe he will be 9 months so soon?!? Where has the time gone?? He is so darn cute, I miss those boys and can't wait to see them again! Kaelan is such a big boy! Love the new Colts gear too! The videos of Max are precious, I love those giggles, they are so sweet!! :)

  2. Sweet, sweet!! Oh how I miss all of you!! Thanks for the blog updates. It sure helps keep up the rapid speed the boys are growing! Love, Janet
