Of course it's April, but let's face it, we're lucky I'm only a month late. Anyways, Max had a great birthday weekend. His celebrating began at school on Thursday. Then, Grandma and Grandpa got here Friday (they come down for each of the boys' birthdays every year). Saturday, we celebrated his actual birthday with Papa and Nana as well. And finally, on Sunday we went to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch and to play for a bit. Here are some pictures from his big weekend.
Max and his fabulous teacher Ms. Silvie and Ms. Moye |
The birthday boy at school |
Enjoying the birthday cookies we brought |
He loved his take-home birthday hat/crown!!!! |
The cake he chose |
Add caption |
A rescue set from Papa and Nana |
A Bubble Guppies microphone from Grandma and Grandpa |
One of our gifts to Max. We also got him this scooter, which he hasn't quite figured out yet. |
I guess he figured since a storm blew the fence down, he might as well cut the tree down too |
Not sure why he was still in his pjs but oh well, who doesn't love a baby in jammies?! |
"Look what I can do!" :) |
Big 3-year old can swing from the trapeze now! :) |
His 3-year well visit was fantastic, the best news, perhaps, being that he didn't need any shots. YAY!!! He had his first hearing test which he passed with flying colors and his first vision test. His vision is currently 20/40 which they assured me was perfect for this age and that it would improve over the next couple of years. I asked again about his size and again I was assured that there's nothing "wrong" with him. He's proportionate, he's just small. Here are his stats compared to his 2-year well visit as well as Kaelan at around 3 1/2 (we were between drs so I was late getting his 3-year well check).
Max 2-year well visit = 22.6 lbs (below 3rd %) 33.25" (28th %)
Max 3-year well visit = 26.8 lbs (6th %) 35.25" (7th %)
Kaelan at 3 1/2 = 31.8 lbs 38.5"
Other than his speech (still having trouble with the hard "g" sound (usually substitutes a "d" sound) and "k" sound (usually substitutes a "t" sound), his development is perfect. His motor development, both small and gross, is right on track. In fact, his gross motor skills are better than Kaelan's at this age. He is a much smoother runner and as we've seen with his baseball skills, his hand-eye coordination is fabulous! He has a great attention span for the most part and enjoys doing/playing lots of different things. However, like his big brother, Max's favorite activity is role-play. He is very expressive when he plays. He uses facial expressions and noises that are quite intense (and hilarious). I wish I could record him all the time because I never seem to get the best stuff once I finally get the camera turned on. He continues to be extremely laid back and plays well with others (perhaps mostly because his over-bearing, bossy big brother wouldn't accept anything less...haha). He's super funny, super fun, and super cute. He can also be naughty at times. He doesn't always obey the first time or tries to get away with things because he knows he's cute. However, he's starting to learn that the cute factor, the smiley flirtations, don't work with Mommy and Daddy. He has also picked up some bad habits from big brother like whining, complaining, and talking back. He now loses a marble every time he asks "Why?" after we tell him to do something. ANNOYING!!!!! Normal, but annoying. :) I know there's so much more to say about this little guy but since most of the people that read this know him well, it's ok that I'm probably leaving out some of the best info.
A post of general March pics and videos as well as our recent trip to Disney will come later this week (hopefully). Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the spring weather (but not the ALLERGIES...ah-chooo...UGH!).
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