Last week was Blake's 9-month well-check. Everything went perfectly! He's lost some weight over the past month since he's been sick almost the whole time but nothing to be worried about. The poor guy has been through some pretty nasty colds, croup, and most recently bronchiolitis over the past several weeks. Needless to say, we are ready for spring!!! The 25 degree difference between days and nights is taking its toll for sure. Aaanywaaaays, all that matter is that he is incredibly happy and developmentally perfect. As you can see by the following measurement, the boys were all about the same at 9-months old.
Kaelan = 20 lbs 9 oz, 28" long, head circumference 18 1/2
Max = 16 lbs 5 oz, 27 3/4" long, head circumference 18 1/4
Blake = 18 lbs 12 oz, 28" long, head circumference 18 1/3
Although very similar in size and appearance, Blake has been much quicker to reach gross motor milestones. He of course crawls (both on his hands and knees as well as his hands and feet sometimes) but has also recently started pulling himself up to stand. Just yesterday we watched a video of Kaelan's 1st Christmas and he had just then started to pull himself to standing at more than 11 months old. Of course he was delayed because of the infantile spasms. Max, either because he's a little nugget or because of his laid back personality was also a little behind with these types of things. Well, I shouldn't say behind. They were all within what is considered to be the normal or average range of development, and you're never supposed to "compare" kids, but let's be honest, we all do. :) Blake has simply done all this stuff a little quicker than the other 2, probably trying to keep up with his big brothers. His personality is also different. He's more curious, playful, and active than Kaelan or Max were at this age so the ability to move is more important to him. All of these traits are super fun right now but I often wonder if they'll lead to extra mischief later on. ;) I can't say enough about my baby boy. He is the BEST! I was saying to Dad this morning (they're here visiting for Max's birthday which will be my next post) that I don't know how we lucked out with 3 great babies. I said this of course as I was KNOCKING ON WOOD! He's a great sleeper, smiles constantly, contently plays independently (in fact it's usually only when he sees me that he cries - isn't that some crap! Well, it's really that he forgets about Mommy when he's playing but once he sees me, he thinks, "Oh ya, there she is, I want her to hold me."), eats well,
talks, laughs, and
LOVES his brothers. He has also started
biting EVERYTHING (including my shoe this morning while it was on my foot). Hopefully it's only because his top 2 teeth are coming in and NOT because he is turning into a "biter". We've lucked out by not having one of those so I'm really hoping he follows the trend. Here are some of the most recent pics and video of our precious baby boy!
He's trying to look around me to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, one of the only things on TV that keeps his attention. He also loves Bubble Guppies (thanks Max) because of the music. |
Loves his puffs |
Proud of himself for learning to stand... |
Uh-oh!!!! Luckily he hasn't learned how to get the other leg up there yet. WHEW!!! |
Kaelan wanted to include Blake in our game of Headbandz. Blake happily obliged. ;) |
Cute baby in a basket |
Not sure there's anything cuter!!! |
1st time at Monkey Joe's |
"All that bouncing is exhausting!" |
Since poor Max still can't reach the pedals, he kindly shared his bike with his baby brother. |
This is how I found him when I went to get him out of bed one morning. |
And this is what he did next. Not sure if you can see them, but there are already bite marks left by Kaelan when he was Blake's age. Max never did this to his bed thank goodness. Luckily there aren't any teeth yet to do any damage. |
Trying to get Max's feet |
Loves the dishwasher (and anything else he knows he's not supposed to be doing). haha |
Papa and Nana took us to Cracker Barrel recently (Kaelan's favorite restaurant). After eating, of course we checked out the store. Everyone loved this doggy hat, including Blake! ADORABLE!!! |
All 3 boys at around 9 months (Kaelan, Max, then Blake)
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