We spent our Spring Break in Florida visiting friends, family, and Disney World! We left late Friday morning and returned the following Friday evening. Since we were there for a week and I clearly share lots of pictures, I thought it best to break it up into multiple posts.
One of the benefits of Mike traveling for work all the time is that he earns LOTS of sky miles. So many, in fact, that we were able to fly our whole family to Orlando and back without having to pay for a ticket. Although the thought of flying with more kids than adults, 1 of whom is still an infant, was a little scary, the thought of wasting 2 days in the car was much, much worse. Turned out that the flights were a couple of the best parts of our trip. All 3 boys cooperated throughout the whole process. (A HUGE knock-on-wood for all future flights!!!!) In fact, our one and only snag was that we almost didn't get on the plane at all...WHAH?!?!?!?! Yes, that's right, we almost didn't get to go. We knew we didn't have to have a ticket for Blake since he was an infant, but we didn't know we had to have some sort of identification for him (I guess showing his age or name). We got to security and they wouldn't let us pass without an "infant in arms" ticket for him, which we couldn't get without one of these forms of ID. Thank God one of the forms they accept is a copy of his shot records and luckily we have a FABULOUS (I think I've raved about them before) pediatrician's office who was able to email it to us right away and we were good to go. WHEW!!!! A huge thank you to Nana for dropping us off at the airport so we didn't have to pay for a whole week's worth of parking.
The "big" boys spent the flight watching videos and/or playing games on iPads and looking out the window. Their favorite parts were definitely the taking off and landing (my least favorite!). |
Blake luckily spent the flight napping...HOORAY!!! Although Kaelan had a little pressure pain in his ears during the landings of both flights, he took it like a man and it seemed to subside by the time we had landed. :) |
Since we flew, we still had plenty of time on Friday to "play" when we arrived in Orlando. Not only does my brother and his wife live there, but so do our close friends the McCormicks (Ironically, they only live about 2 miles from each other. I'm a
very lucky girl!). Poor Mike woke up queasy that morning so the boys and I dropped him off at Scott's house before heading off to Melissa's house to play. Max and Kaelan got right to playing with Jack and Gracie while Blake and Erin took a bath. The pressure of the flight did a number on Blake's digestive track (thank you Melissa for informing me of that so I wasn't worried he was getting a bug) and E had just eaten almost an entire thing of hummus which was now all over her. Clearly they were both in need of a little rinse.
They were happy to oblige. :) |
Then we went to their neighborhood park so they could run around and get some exercise. Here are all 6 kiddos. |
Melissa's family was also in town and Mama Janet was nice enough to take this photo of all of us. LOVE her!!!! |
Max thought everything sound out of Jack's mouth was hilarious. And yes, that is my lazy 6-year old in the STROLLER!!! Remember my comment about his endurance in my last post about soccer? ;) |
Just chillin' |
After spending the night at Scott and Melonna's house Friday night, we spent most of Saturday at Downtown Disney, which is in my opinion just as fun as one of the theme parks.
Every visit to DD begins at the Lego Store. Unfortunately the only Woody and Buzz we got to "meet" this trip. |
Can you tell he was a little confused? haha |
Can't leave the Lego Store without building something. Blake was extremely happy to be able to do something. The poor guy didn't spend too much time out of the stroller or someone's arms for pretty much the entire week. |
Kaelan built a car to race. (Unfortunately he found wheels but no tires for his "car" so it didn't really go anywhere... but shhhh, he didn't realize that was why.) |
And no trip is complete without eating lunch at TRex...yummmm! |
The McCormicks tried to come have lunch with us but we made plans too late and couldn't end up eating together. However, at least we got this great shot of the boys. |
We stopped at SuperTarget on the way to our resort to get groceries for the week. The boys fell asleep on the way there so Mike stayed in the van with them while Scott, Melonna, and I did the shopping. Love this picture!!! |
That night we went to dinner at a local place just down the street from our resort. It was super convenient and we had a good time. However, it ended up being a HUGE mistake as Max spent the ENTIRE night getting sick. We think it must have been food poisoning from his spaghetti because he had no other symptoms and was over it by morning. Definitely NOT a way anyone wants to spend a night on vacation. We went through 3 sets of sheets for the pull-out couch that night. I don't know how so much comes out of such a tiny guy. I've never seen my poor little baby boy like that and I hope I never do again. :( Another disappointment...spaghetti was one of his favorite foods and now he can't eat it. He wants to, but can't. Hopefully he can get over that soon. |
Days 2-6 to come later this week. Hope everyone is enjoying their week so far. :)
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