This post is all about the Indianapolis Children's Museum. The younger Robertsons (Jen, Ally, Jack, & Ben) came all the way from Cincy to spend the afternoon with Aunt Linda and us. We had an absolutely wonderful time. Kaelan truly enjoyed exploring and putting his inquisitive personality to great use. I put my control-issues aside and let Max crawl around wherever so he could explore as well. I don't know who had more fun, the grown-ups or the kids. I love when that happens!!!!
Enjoying the beautiful view from the bottom of the 4-story glass sculpture that climbs through the center of the museum. That's Jack, Ally, and of course Kaelan in the center. (If you remember, Ally was the flower girl in Scott's wedding.)

We can sculpt too!

Scuba diver

I can put this artifact back together!!!
Playing dinosaurs with Grandpa

The trick was keeping him from throwing the dinosaurs everywhere. Playing ball is his favorite thing to do afterall. But look how happy he is!!! There were SO many things that were the perfect size for him. I really didn't expect him to be able to do so much but he had the BEST time!!!!
Lovin' on Grandma

Ben & Kaelan dressed up as baby dinosaurs
"I'm a dinosaur."
"I'm a dinosaur."
More dinosaur fun
Jack and Kaelan

2 couch potatoes...he loved this guy!
This face says it all (although I'm pretty sure he's not supposed to be up there...oh well!)

Playing a game where we had to decide what ingredients were needed for each type of healthy snack.
We saved the best for last...the Dora and Diego Room. This would have been a great, great photo if Max would have cooperated. Kaelan, however, is posing perfectly!!!!

There was a little slide towards the rear of the room. Once Max saw it, that's pretty much where he wanted to stay for the remainder of the visit. Grandma showed him how to sit on his bottom at the top of the slide before attempting to go down. Thanks Grandma!!! A skill he remembered and used yesterday at a local playground. :)
A couple funny videos from the ride home-
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