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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

He Walks...sort of

Today, like most days, Maddox is hanging out in my bathroom while I'm showering. As I'm trying to get dressed, I grab his hand to lead him out of the bathroom and out of my way. I was just lightly holding onto his arms around the elbows and he had 1 shoe on and 1 shoe off. He was walking like he was on a mission and at some point, he either walked out of my grasp or I let go...and he KEPT GOING!!! He took his very first steps (at least 3) and I was sooooooo proud!!!!! He was proud too, as proven by his little giggle as he turned and looked at me with a huge smile on his face. Kaelan ran in to see what happened and we tried to encourage him to give us a repeat luck. Of course, the rest of the day was spent trying to get him to do it again, and more importantly, to get it recorded. He took a couple more steps here and there but nothing big and nothing recorded. He also stood up unassisted twice but I didn't see either one. :( Anyways, here are a few funny little blips from our efforts.

Walk attempt 1

Walk attempt 2

Walk attempt 3

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