Anyways, clearly the boys and I had an absolute blast the entire time. We hung out around their new, gorgeous house, went to the park, and then spent some time at Katrina's Parent's lake house. Here are just a few pictures but trust me, there are LOTS more to come and some video too!!


Uncle Trent pushing K and Paige in the lake. They had SO much fun together. They challenged each other sometimes but in this case, it was fabulous. Paige didn't used to like going in the lake but K if course wanted to jump right she did too. Then, he didn't want to have to touch the bottom which was just sand. She started walking around like it was nothing. Before we knew it they were both walking and swimming all over the place. They made a great team!!

The whole gang in the car on the way to the lake. It's hard to see but there are 5 kids (all in carseats...WOW) and 2 dogs in the back of their van.
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looks like SO much fun. wish my crew could've joined. :)