Here are the pictures we took during our fabulous morning at the Indinapolis Zoo. It was pretty much the only day that wasn't MISERABLY hot. In fact, the morning was only in the upper 70s, low 80s and beautifully sunny...perfect!!! We had a great time obviously!!!

So nice to have Grandpa there to take some family shots. :)

Loving the giraffes! He could have stayed there all day!

Kaelan and I were the only ones on the roller coaster and took advantage by sitting in the front car. No matter how small, roller coasters are super fun!!!! It's really short but they sent us around 3 times...hooray!!!

Time for the train!

Waiting for it to pull into the station

Took Grandpa's hat again. I guess they're destined to be HOOSIERS!!!!

Dad was trying to get a family shot by holding the camera out in front of himself. There were 2 little girls (maybe 10 or 11) sitting in the car in front of us and one of them asked if we would like her to take the picture. Clearly she should explore a future in photography because she did a fabulous job!!! Thanks to whoever you are!

He doesn't really sit still for very long but it allowed me to get this great picture during the ride. So cute!!!!

Grandma's favorite...the carousel. Hold on tight Grandma, he squirms!!!
Max spent the majority of the ride looking up, trying to figure out the crank that made his bird go up and down. I love that both boys are so interested in figuring out how things work, just like Daddy! :)

Adorable, even when constricted by an anaconda. ;)

Hot and ready for some fun at the splashpad. Unfortunately, it was also past our regular lunch and nap time. This was taken during the only short period of time when Max was not crying/complaining. However, once he got some food, he was happy as can be for the rest of our time at the zoo.

Kaelan obviously could do without food or sleep and had a BLAST!!! Here he's protecting everyone at he zoo by fighting water "cannons" sent by evil do-ers.

Our last stop was "The Waters" exhibit which both boys really enjoyed.
On an unrelated note, I have to share the cutest thing that happened last night. Max has started going to bed around 7:30 instead of 8 (by choice...hooray!!!) but K still stays up till between 8-8:30. So, the 3 of us were watching a little TV before bedtime and I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up to Kaelan covering me up with the blanket from his bed. He later protected me from the Evil Daddy when he tried to sit on me (cuz he's SO funny...haha). I'm so thankful for my hero!!!!! ;)
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