Hi everyone! Ok, so I just want to warn you now, this is a LONG post. My dear friend Melissa made me realize (through the help of her fabulous family blog) that I should be using this blog, not only as a way to share, but as a memory book for our family as well. So, along with TONS of pictures, I've also added details of doctor visits and just random goings on.
Well, Maddox is exactly 8 weeks old today. I'd like to say he's sleeping through the night, or at least close to doing so, but I can't. Although he is a much better sleeper than a few weeks ago, he is still VERY inconsistent which can be very frustrating for the other people trying to sleep (including poor little Kaelan). The 2 boys share a wall so when Max wakes up or I decide to let him "cry it out", I can hear K in his bed rustling around. The crying doesn't bother me but the guilt of Kaelan's loss of sleep definitely does. Luckily he hasn't seemed to mind too much and never complains. Maddox also continues to sleep a lot during the day although his awake time has begun to increase this past week. He has also started to smile frequently and even interact with happy coos and little giggles. It's so exciting to see his personality begin to show. Now all we need is for him to stay awake long enough for us to enjoy it! :)
Other than his sleep issues, he is quite healthy. He has very good (but not total) control of his head so far and can stand up when we're supporting his trunk. At his 1 month well visit, the Dr. was a little concerned that he wasn't gaining enough weight. He didn't think it was necessary to take any precautions at that point but wanted us to come back 2 weeks later for a weight check. I figured the problem was that he wasn't staying awake long enough while nursing to get the appropriate amount of milk. I decided that it was in his best interest, and that of my sanity, to pump and bottle feed him as much as possible so we could tell how much he was actually eating. 2 weeks later he had grown over an inch and also gained a pound which was more than the ounce a day they expect an infant of his age to gain. Although eating is almost as inconsistent as his sleep, the fact that he's gaining weight is what's most important. We go back for his 2 month well visit next Tuesday so hopefully he has continued to grow sufficiently. He will also get his first round of shots (other than his Hep B shot he got in the hospital) which will inevitably affect Mommy more than him I'm sure. I'll share those details later next week.

A couple weeks ago, Mike went on his 2nd business trip which gave the boys and I an opportunity to spend some time with Nana at her house (Papa was traveling with Daddy). We had a fabulous time. One of the things we did was go to Greenville's new Children's Museum. It is WONDERFUL!!! Here are some pictures of our time in Greenville and at the museum.

They had a really great construction area with dress-up clothes and tons of tools. It's not hard to guess that this was definitely K's favorite exhibit.

Ready for work!

Just like Daddy's drill...kind of

They also had a super water play area that included an area for big kids, preschool and toddler types (where K is now), and even an area for infants complete with attached "highchairs" so the little ones can splash in the water as well. You can see one of the seats just to the right of K's head. I'm sure Mad Max will be enjoying this area very soon.

At the very interactive race car exhibit

Nana and our little Peanut
Unfortunately we had to cut our visit a day short to take Kaelan to the Dr. He began coughing on our way to their house on Sunday. We thought he was just getting a little cold and tried to keep him away from the baby as much as possible. However, after 3 days of coughing and DEFINITELY not acting like himself I decided to take his temperature. It was over 102 so we packed everything up and rushed back to Rock Hill to make an 11:30 appointment (all they had). As you know, K is a VERY happy and active little boy, even when he's sick...until this time. I have never seen him act so sluggish and out of it. It turned out that it was only an ear infection (his 1st since getting tubes put in when he was 10 months old) and after just the 1st does of his amoxicillin he was feeling MUCH better.

Not the best picture, but Maddox makes this face a lot so I wanted to show it off.

Their 1st bath together...and their last until Max either weighs more or can sit up by himself. He wasn't heavy enough to keep his little tub from floating so it wasn't the safest activity. Live and learn

More zoo pictures. Grandpa's were much better than mine...thanks Dad!

Didn't you know I have 3 sons. ;)

Like father like son

Grandma's always a sucker for a carousel...thank goodness!

Feeding the giraffes. He's about to eat from Kaelan's hand.

"This is my new buddy. He doesn't talk much but that's ok, I talk enough for 10 monkeys."

"Do you have any idea how bright it is outside? Why are you doing this to me?"

"Uncle" Matt (friend from OH) came down to see us and meet little Maddox while he was visiting his family in Virginia.

Uncle Matt is one of Kaelan's favorite toys. "Whoa!!!!"
Fabulous pictures! I love all of the detail, it really helps keep track of everything! By the way, Wes has that same turtle outfit that Maddox has on! LOL!! You need to bring that to Florida and those blue dog jammies that can be a gown or with legs and the boys can match and we can get pics!! :) Can't wait to see you guys!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think that Kaelan is one of Uncle Matt's favorite toys, too! He can't wait until he can play with Barrett that way. I love seeing all the new pics of your cute boys. I hope the sleep issues get better for you soon!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the baby updates! Love all the pictures but the ones of kaelan in the dress up outfits were so funny! Miss you!