Lots to share (Grandma & Grandpa visit, Florida, birthday, etc.) but first things first...Kaelan started his new school today. He's been in childcare/school his entire life but for some reason, dropping him off this morning was different, more official. I think I mentioned before that we enrolled K in an amazing Christian school just a few miles from our apartment. He was SO excited to get back to school. I hope he remembers his manners and his "listening ears" all day!!! He will be attending 3 half days each week, M-W-F, from 8:15-12:15. I found out this morning when I dropped him off that today they have chapel, recess, and gym all back to back later this morning so I'm sure he'll be nice and tired when Max and I pick him up later. Then we're meeting Nana for lunch at McDonald's so he can share his 1st day with us. I can't wait to hear all about it. Of course I'll share all the details in a later post but for now, here are some pics from this morning. :)
Right after we walked in the doors. You can clearly see how excited he is to be at school!!!
Meeting his teacher for the first time. This was SO cute. I reminded him in the parking lot to introduce himself to his teachers and his new friends so these were his first words in his new room. "Good morning Ms. Zivitsky (sp?), my name is Kaelan!" A shy kid huh? haha!!! I was very proud!

An attempt to explore after saying hello. We work before play here buddy! Ms. Zivitsky quickly helped him find his spot at the tables.

His nametag with his "morning work" ready at his place. I LOVE how they have them get right to business when they enter the classroom. It is truly a school atmosphere with enrichment opportunities instead of an enrichment atmosphere with academic opportunities. I think this even more structured environment with higher academic, social, and independent expectations will help keep him from some of the behavior "issues" he had been displaying at the early part of last year. That along with his obvious increase in maturity...HAHAHA! Serously though, I'm so excited to see how he grows and learns over the next several weeks as he becomes familiar with his new environment and finds his niche in the classroom. Hopefully they keep a firm thumb on him though, just in case!
Found it!
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