As promised (warned), her's a bunch more pictures from the week including some from our condo, Scott's house, and of course some randoms from the parks. I'm trying to edit down some videos to past later in the week.

This is just one of the MANY water-fun opportunities, of course Kaelan's favorite. It was SOOO fun but FREEZING!!!! The constant recycled water had no chance to warm in the sun...brrrrr! Of course Kaelan didn't even notice. Max would have loved it (the zero entry part) if it hadn't been so cold. We tried putting him in but he screamed immediately at the chill. I did manage to get him to sit in about an inch of water but he wouldn't move. For somebody who loves water as much as he does, he sure is picky about the temperature. :)

Kaelan dumping a bucket full of water onto Daddy's head

Lunchtime at the condo. We came home almost every day for lunch and nap.

Playing with his new Mr. Potato Head accessories. All that stuff you see there somehow fit into that little box on the left. The deal is, whatever you can cram in costs $20. Mike went to check out only to be told, "Sir, that box isn't full. Go back and get more stuff." He told Mike how to arrange the items to optimize the space. He must have told him to go back for more stuff 3 or 4 times at least. It was hilarious! Such a nice man...and such a happy boy!!!!!
Scott had a yummy cook-out and poker party one night. I shouldn't brag that Mike came home with the money, but...too late!!!!! Max is enjoying the brand new Mickey that Aunt Melonna and Uncle Scott got him the day before at Downtown Disney.

We thought Kaelan was a ladies man. Well, his little brother will give him a run for his money. :)

Back at the condo that same day for lunch, I came out to the balcony to find this little man loungin'. He is so funny and clearly not short on personality. Now, if only this was the only side to that personality we ever saw. ;)

Putting together his first Star Wars Lego set from Grandpa. You can see him carefully reading the directions and he put it together all by himself. I was VERY impressed!!!

I had to show this again with the one of Kaelan from a couple years ago. I know I'm biased, but are these boys adorable or what????!!!!!!!!

Playing with his new Goofy toy from Grandma and Grandpa. They tried to find him the perfect stuffed animal but taking him around the GINORMOUS World of Disney store in Downtown Disney. Somehow (I think just cuz he was tired), he only seemed to have a reaction to this tiny little guy. Perfect size for those tiny fingers.

Had to have a shot with the castle in the is Disney World afterall.

Sitting on Uncle Scott's lap during Pirates of the Carribean

Dad conveniently took advantage of this photo op while Scott and I were reminiscing about our trips to Disney as kids. Lots of memories and I'm so thrilled and grateful that we now making new memories with the next generation. Nothing like it!!!!

Kaelan climbing on the same dinosaur "playground" as Max from the 1st post

I mean, come on, does it get any better than this picture????


Posing with his "pardner"

This was our very 1st morning. We were at the ticket and information center and they gave Max that adorable "1st Visit" button. They even gave K one too (although it was different since it wasn't his 1st time). SOOO nice!!!!

A better shot of the button on our way over to he Magic Kingdom on ferryboat

2 buddies enjoying a snack by the pool. We were so fortunate to be able to see the McCormick family while we were down. They came over 2 days for lots of pool fun. The boys had the BEST time playing together. We are so looking forward to lots more of these types of memories as they grow up together. Max and Gracie had fun too swimming in the big pools where it was MUCH warmer!!!! :)
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