Well, it finally happened...Max can crawl. I know I should be so happy, and I am, but it also means the beginning of the end of him being a baby. :( It happened for the first time yesterday, Friday, January 7th. I opened the door to his classroom and saw him sitting over by his crib because one of this teachers was taking off his bedding to be washed. She said, "Go ahead, crawl to Mommy." I thought, ya right! I mean, I know they work with him at school and of course we do it nightly at home but he just isn't motivated. He could easily get on all fours and even pushes his back-end up so he's on his hands and feet. He could also move his knees back and forth, he just simply could not figure out how to move his arms. But...to my surprise, when I looked back down at him, he lifted one of his hands and moved towards me. I was SO excited and proud at that moment. I don't know if that is truly the 1st time he's done it. Although his teachers say it was, they may just say things like that so Moms don't think they miss the important "firsts". But, no matter, he continues to inch his way around and eventhough he's not getting anywhere very quickly yet, it's so fun to watch him! Here's a quick video...
Ever since I finished his 9-month post I have been thinking of things I needed to put on here, both to share and so I would have it in writing so I would never forget. So, here's some of the other things Max is doing and loving these days...
First of all, he LOVES his big brother. He thinks it is hilarious to watch Kaelan laugh and giggle, that is when it's not right in Max's face. :) His favorite games are "super-baby," when we fly Max around the room chasing K, and peek-a-boo where K puts a blanket over Max's face and pulls it off. I could listen to their cackling forever!!!
Pardon the lighting of these next few videos. It was during the evening and we don't have a light for video. These are also from a couple months ago so I apologize if I've put them on here already. However, I doubt I did since I typically neglect our poor family blog. Anyhow, these are too good not to have on here, regardless of how late.
The little guy (well actually both of them) is VERY ticklish!
Just for fun!
Some of his favorite toys include the new musical "zoo", toolbench, and musical instruments he got for Christmas. All of which play songs and light up. He loves to dance and even has a favorite commercial because of the song that plays. Everytime it comes on (I think it's the ipad commercials) he stares at the tv and bounces along to the music.
He is an excellent sleeper...thank god!!! He still takes a short morning nap between 9 & 10, although we and his teachers are trying to cut that one out. He then takes an afternoon nap after lunch from about 12-2 (sometimes longer if we're lucky) before taking another hour nap before dinner from about 5-6. Finally, he happily goes to bed around 8:30. In fact, he is so happy to go to bed that as I'm burping him in his room after his last bottle, he literally reaches/lunges towards his bed. I lay him down and give him perhaps his very favorite belonging, his "lovie" that he got from Nana. It's one of those tiny stuffed animal blankets that's satin on one side and extremely soft on the other. He snuggles it and loves it and plays with it until he drifts off to sleep peacefully. The sweet little guy then snuggles with it all night long, holding on to it no matter how he moves or changes positions. Heaven forbid he wake up at some point and can't find it (Mommy does not like those nights!!!). I very rarely have to get up with him at night and he usually sleeps until 7 when I have to wake him up to go to school. On the weekends, he wakes up between 7 and 8 and happily plays with his "lovie" and talks to himself until I go get him.
A good sleeper he is, a good eater he is not. He has never had the appetite needed in order to drink the amount of milk he's supposed to. In fact, as I said in his 9-month update he is a bit underweight and we've had to "beef-up" his bottles. However, I quickly realized that if I added formula to his bottles (like a protein shake) he would be too full to drink much of his next bottle. Luckily, his appetite has recently increased and now drinks the 28-30 ounces a day he is supposed to. He is also up to eating 3 meals a day. I've been trying to introduce new finger foods as often as possible for 2 reasons, the 1st of which is very selfish - I want to eat too. :) Also, however, I learned from Kaelan that I waited to long to introduce "real" food and to this day, he is still not a good eater. I know it's typical for kids to not branch out from "kid friendly" food, but that doesn't make it any easier for the parents. He's learning to try new things but it never seems to go past just that...trying. So, I'm hoping to get Max eating the same things we're eating sooner than later. So far, he is very willing to try anything and everything. The unfortunate thing is that he has a bit of a gag-reflex and if it doesn't disolve or soften and break up fully, he has a very difficult time swallowing it. Even tiny, tiny pieces of soft foods like egg or noodles. I often have to fish food out with my finger because he'll just hold it in there so he doesn't have to attempt to swallow it. He'll even store things somewhere in his cheeks and enjoy some baby food before I realize there's something else in his mouth. Crazy kid! So, hopefully the ability to swallow non-purified food will come quickly. He enjoys any kind of babyfood that is fruit, loves yogurt, bread of any kind, crackers, goldfish, french fries, and even tiny pieces of chicken fingers (thanks for sharing big brother).
Unfortunately, little man is still battling an ear infection. I think I mentioned that he had an ear infection in his right ear just before Christmas. Well, either he got another one immediately or it never fully went away because 4 days after he completed his antibiotic, we were back at the doctor for the same problem. 2 days later, he woke up screaming and holding his other ear so it seemed to turn into a double ear infection. It is now almost 3 1/2 weeks after he was originally diagnosed and it is still causing him pain and discomfort on a regular basis. I'm going to call this afternoon when he wakes up to see if I should bring him back in for a more aggressive treatment. Cross your fingers and pray for something that will make him feel as good and happy as he acts...bless his content little heart. :)
Ok, well, I actually started this novel of a blog on Friday, the proud mom trying to share her little baby's successful crawling experience. However, both of our computers are hit or miss and I've just now been able to finish.
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