This is the face of our proud little Max after he rolled from back to belly for the first time. He has been SO close for the past 3 or 4 weeks but just couldn't get that left hand out from underneath his body. But, Thursday night he finally did it! Kaelan and I were in the dining room and Uncle Scott was watching him play on the floor in the living room. He said something to Max about rolling over and I got so excited. I ran in there only to see that he still didn't have that silly left hand pulled out. However, not 5 minutes later, after some Fulmer perserverence, he threw his head up and over and pulled that little left hand out from under himself. HOORAY!!!! Scott and I both got to see it but unfortunately I didn't have time to get the camera for the very first one. I did however get it quickly enough to get this proud smile on his face afterwards. Luckily, he must have been very excited about his new trick because he wasn't happy to just stay on his back. I was able to get one recorded thank goodness. Here it is!
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Yay for Max!! What a big boy! :)