We had a fabulous Christmas holiday and there are far too many pictures to show them all. However, I wanted to share some of the highlights. Hope you enjoy!

Posing in front of the Christmas tree. Any time you ask him to pose he puts his hands on his hips like this. It's hilarious!!!!

A successful 1st trip to sit on Santa's lap.

Opening presents at Nana and Papa's house.

OMG, a MegaBlocks table!!!!!!

The first thing he wanted to do was play with his new Play-Doh set. It's still one of his favorite things to do.

Taking a nap on the way to the Fulmer Family Christmas in Atlanta. He always sleeps with his Woody...so cute!!!

Christmas at Hollywild - Instead of taking the normal bus trek through the "safari", we got to drive our own vehicle with a huge bag-full of goodies (bread) for the animals. K sat on my lab but wouldn't get too close. If you saw how long their tongues are and how they comfortably put their heads right into the car, you'd understand why.

Daddy feeding a zebra.

Standing next to his huge stack of presents on Christmas morning. Following one of my childhood traditions, he woke up and came downstairs to his presents all stacked up and ready for him. However, we did open 1 present at a time so he had time to enjoy it before opening the next.

Waiting for Daddy to take his new pirate ship out of the box. Daddy had the great idea to "depackage" all gifts before wrapping them up in the future so there's no wait-time before playing. Live and learn!

He rarely left a room without his pirate ship for the next 3 days.

"A choo-choo, yea!!!!"

It didn't take him long to realize that his remote control train works on the real tracks too. He's so smart!!!!

Playin' some basketball while Daddy tries to figure out how to put this thing together.

You're never too big to play in the tent (especially if there's a zipper door in the back so you don't have to crawl through the tunnels).

Kaelan would try to involve the dogs by throwing his wrapping paper and trash on them. "They shouldn't have been layin' there." As you can see, they're really upset about it. ;)

We had a chance to spend a free day at the Indianapolis Children's Museum on Christmas Eve. Kaelan had a great time of course. Here he is with Daddy in the dinosaur exhibit.

We also took advantage of Christmas at the Zoo, although I'm sure most of us regretted the idea after being outside for only 5 minutes. Deciding to do an outdoor activity with single digit temperatures wasn't the best choice perhaps. Nonetheless - we came, we saw, we thawed!

One outdoor activity that could not be missed was to the opportunity to go sledding for the 1st time. Clearly we don't get the chance to spend much time in the snow down here in SC. Here he practices in the living room.

Daddy and K in action. Their 1st trip down was a little scary for K. However, the fearless little guy that he is, he wanted to go right back up and do it again. After trip 2, he couldn't get enough.

Enjoying the snow. They attempted to build a snowman but the snow was too powdery so we made snow-angels and stuck to sledding instead. Sadly, Mommy was the big baby who was complaining about the cold (but I did try to keep it to myself as long as I could).

Putting a puzzle together while we watched the Colts lose to the Jets Week 15. We guess we'll forgive them now since they're in the Super Bowl on Sunday, but it sure would have been interesting if both teams would have stayed undefeated. Oh, and thanks for supervising Belle.

Two hats are always better than one.
Kaelan and Grandpa thought this was SOOOO funny. Good thing he's as cute as he is...Kaelan, not Grandpa (sorry Dad).
We spent a few fabulous days in Lafayette over New Year's. Uncle Trent was reading to K and Paige (daughter of Trent and Katrina).
The kids playing on the bed. Katrina and Trent were nice enough to have us stay at their house while we were in town. Thanks guys and an early CONGRATULATIONS! They will be welcoming their 2nd child, Wesley, into the world this Thursday.
Great pics Jessie!!