He LOVED/S his costume. We got it the weekend before Halloween and he has literally wore it EVERY day since. As soon as he gets home from school he takes off his clothes and puts it right on. It's so adorable!!!! Now it's a great dress-up opportunity. Boys are so fun!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
We had a great Hallween this year! It was a very full weekend but so much fun!!! Here's some pics!
Kaelan and Daddy carving the pumpkin
Baby Captain America
2 happy boys before leaving to trick or treat
Love my 2nd little Tigger (Kaelan was Tigger when he was a baby too)
Having a GREAT time!!!! It was really chilly but he didn't care. I have to share this hilarious story. Some of the houses in our neighborhood really get into it and decorate. A couple even set up "haunted house" type stuff with strobe lighting, music, and other effects. From the time we left the first house like this, all Kaelan could say was, "Let's go to the next haunted house." He didn't even care about trick-or-treating after that. He was only interested in getting to the next haunted house. Well, we kept hearing about this particular house that was scaring EVERYONE. We just had to go and we were ALL excited; Kaelan of course to see the haunted house and Mike and I to see his reaction. Luckily, we walked up behind some people so we didn't get the full effect of the haunt. As we walked up, a guy with a chainsaw comes running out of the garage to scare the 12ish-year old boy in front of us. Well, that was enough for K. He immediately started crying and wouldn't move ANY closer. It was awesome!!! We tried to console him to say it was just pretend and the wives there were really sweet and tried to make him feel better, but was having none of it. Needless to say, the chainsaw guy was all he could talk about for the next 24 hours. We have a video but we're so busy laughing it's probably a little inappropriate. hahaha
Tigger waiting while Captain America visits a house to trick-or-treat
He did SO awesome this year. He actually said trick-or-treat almost every time (when not distracted by other kids' costumes or decorations). My polite little guy also said thank you which made us so proud. He loved doing it and we loved watching him.
One of the houses had a ginormous inflatable Tigger so we had to get a picture with him. Unfortunately, we couldn't get one to turn out but it was cute anyways.
Monday, November 1, 2010
6 months...a little late
Well, it's only a month-and-a-half late, but here are the stats from Max's 6-month well visit. Of course he is an extremely happy and healthy little guy. He weighed in at 15 lbs, 11 oz and was 26 1/4 inches tall. His head measured 17 3/4 inches around. Of course, because I procrastinated SO long, I can't remember the exact percentiles he fell in for height and weight but I wanna say it was only 40th for weight and even less than that for height. I tried to look it up online, but have you ever tried to read one of those charts? GEEZ!!!! I think I'll just ask them next month when we go in for his 9-month.
Since this, Max has had congestion on and off almost since he started school back in August. However, about a month ago he developed a pretty nasty cough that was starting to affect his sleep (and mine;)). Luckily, after taking him to the Dr., we found out it was just a lingering sinus thing (a cold) and after being on his bubble gum medicine (ammoxicillin) for a couple days now, he is back to normal. The grandparents will be happy to know that both boys have received their flu vaccinations (actually all 3 boys) although Max has to go back to get another dose next week.
Showing off their new Colts gear. K got 2 Colts shirts and Max got his first Colts jersey.
Complete with their names on the backs...awesome!!!! Was this a present for Mommy or the boys? Correct answer...BOTH!!!!
Since this, Max has had congestion on and off almost since he started school back in August. However, about a month ago he developed a pretty nasty cough that was starting to affect his sleep (and mine;)). Luckily, after taking him to the Dr., we found out it was just a lingering sinus thing (a cold) and after being on his bubble gum medicine (ammoxicillin) for a couple days now, he is back to normal. The grandparents will be happy to know that both boys have received their flu vaccinations (actually all 3 boys) although Max has to go back to get another dose next week.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I can sit up...kind of
Most of you know that I was able to get a job teaching 2nd grade which is why I haven't been able to find the time to blog...or sleep for that matter. :) But, I absolutely HAD to get these pics/video on here right away. Our little man was 6 months old this past Thursday and he is celebrating with a new milestone...sitting up! He still falls over A LOT but he is improving very quickly. Throughout the week he could only stay up for moments at a time, but last night he did much better. Then today, he really got in the groove and started to find his "center". As you'll see, he was VERY proud of himself. Enjoy!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010
I did it!!!

P.S. It is always best to view the blog via our website. Simply go to www.fulmerfamilyblog.blogspot.com. If you only view through your email you lose some of the quality and cannot view the videos. Just an FYI! ;)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Annual Friends Trip (AFT)
A couple weeks ago we had our Annual Friends Trip (AFT). Last year, you may remember we went to Gatlinburg. This year we stayed with the cabin theme but decided on the Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia instead of TN because it was a little more of a mid-point between Indiana (for Kelly and Katrina) and Florida (for Melissa). We got there Wednesday night and came home Sunday morning. It was no where near long enough but we had a fabulous time. It was the first time ALL 7 kids were together and we were finally able to meet Kelly and Nick's baby girl, Ryan (adorable!!!). The boys took the big kids "lazy" tubing on the Ocoee River on Thursday and then went whitewater rafting at the Olympic Whitewater Center (without kids of course) on Friday. There was something for everyone and plenty of space as well. Can't wait 'til next year's AFT!!!!
Our very first family picture with all 4 of us. Thank you Melissa!!!!
The smiley babies in their matching outfits. Left to right - Wes (2/4/10), Ryan (4/29/10), Gracie (3/23/10), and of course Maddox (3/9/10)
Ladies man!!!!

(Jack, Paige, Kaelan)
Paigie sandwich
Jack loved kissing the babies. He was always so sweet to them all.
Max loved his kiss from his buddy Jack
My boys...I'm so blessed!!!!
The whole group at the Whitewater Center (minus Ryan and Max who were in their strollers off camera)

Left to right: Jack, Melissa, Gracie, Colin, Paige, Trent, Wes, Katrina, Kelly, & Nick
The Fulmers
The Senasecs (Wes - "Get that sun OUT of my eyes!!!")
The Schetzsles
Best buddies in matching outfits
A handful!!!
Sitting on/at the "window" over the kitchen sink, a favorite hangout (literally) for the big kids
Don't get too excited about that jewelry boys!!!
My baby and future daughter-in-law, Gracie
Love it!!!!!
The girls
The guys (very funny Colin...haha)
Our first "girls only" outing post-babies. It was SO much fun, and yummy too!

Plus, we came back to a peaceful house full of napping kids. Way to go boys!!! I guess we should do that more often. ;)
P.S. For pics of the boys rafting trip, go to: http://www.ocoeerafting.photoreflect.com/, use the date drop down calendar to choose July 23rd, click on "July 23, 2010 - 12:30 Middle, and then click on "Colby"
We went back to Carowinds a few weeks ago and I never got around to posting these funny videos of Kaelan on a couple rides. The first one is the carousel obviously. He says some cute things. The second is on the mini-roller coaster. SO fun!!!! He loves rides so much and we can't wait to do more and more as he gets bigger.
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Deep End
I just emailed these videos to many of you, but as I was hitting send I realized I should have posted it instead. So, here are 2 great videos of his "safety class" which comes as he nears the end of his swimming lessons. He learned how to call for help from the water as well as help someone (using a noodle/rope) from the side who might be having trouble in the water. I doubt he had any idea what he was really doing but he enjoyed throwing the noodle to the instructor who was "in trouble". After these activities, they went to the "deep end" (only 5 ft) to jump in with life jackets. When asked who wanted to jump off the the starting block, he immediately shouted, "ME!" The first video shows him jumping in with someone in the pool to "catch" him. After that, one of the other boys asked if he could jump in without someone there to catch him. Kaelan wanted to prove he was equal to the challenge which is what you will see in the 2nd video. The hilarious thing is that he doesn't weigh enough to swim with the life jacket on because it encourages his body to float on his back. Please forgive his mother for laughing hysterically!!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Let him eat cereal!
Max had cereal for the first time today. He had his lunchtime bottle and was still fussy. Nothing was doing the trick, none of our normal playtime activities, so I tried putting him down for a nap. That didn't work either. He kept sucking on his lower lip which is often a sign that he's hungry so I thought, what they hey, I'll give it a shot. After a few bites (and by bites I mean me shoving the spoon in his mouth) I had to get the camera. He did surprisingly well for his first time, much better than I expected. By the end, he even started opening his mouth, which could have been a coincidence but we'll say it was because he liked it. :)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
4-Month Well Check
Today was Max's 4-month well visit with the pediatrician. I'm extremely happy to say he is doing fabulous, both in his health and development. He was 25 1/4 inches "tall" (60th percentile) and weighed in at 14 pounds (only the 30th percentile). He's still kind of puny but he had a pretty good jump in both areas. It seems crazy to us that he's still only in the 30th percentile for weight because he's getting SO chubby. Some of the developmental "milestones" they asked about at this visit were rolling over either or both ways (hooray!), tracking 180 degrees with his eyes, bringing his hands together, cooing/giggling/gurgling, and reaching for things. I was able to answer yes to everything the nurse asked other than rolling from front to back which is totally fine for only 4-months. He's eating very well now and we can even begin to introduce solid food if we would like, altough there is no need for breastfed babies to start solids until 6 months. I'm not in a huge hurry for this but I'm afraid that waiting too long may encourage him to become a picky eater. One of those in the family is MORE than enough! ;) He's also getting more than enough sleep at night, sleeping anywhere between 9 & 10 hours a night. Way to go Max!!!
Today was quite a big day for our little man. Not only did he have a successful well-check, he also recieved his DOC band this morning. This is the "hat" that he has to wear in order to correct the lopsided growth of his head. He's supposed to wear it 23 hours a day leaving 1 hour for cleaning the band and bathing Max. I can't tell yet how much it irritates or annoys him but I know it bothers me. However, he won't have to wear it too long (possibly only 6-8 weeks) and it really is necessary for his head to become more round. I'll post pictures soon but until then, here are some recent pics of the boys. Hope everyone is doing well and had a fabulous and safe 4th of July!
With his best buddy Eli from school after their 4th of July Parade. SO cute! I'll try to put a video at the bottom of this post.
More Independence Day fun at Nana and Papa's golf club.
Notice he's with the same 2 girls as the last picture. He spent the entire night with them. We tried to distract him so they wouldn't feel like they had to "babysit" him but they would come and ask him to do something with them. They were SO sweet and he was SO in love. ;)
Happy boy at Grandma and Grandpa's house last month. They were nice enough to watch the boys while Mike and I went to a wedding in Dayton, OH. It was hard to leave them for that long but we had a GREAT time at the wedding. Congrats to Mary and Dave!!!!!!
Playing golf in the sprinkler. Thanks Grandpa for a great afternoon!
Today was quite a big day for our little man. Not only did he have a successful well-check, he also recieved his DOC band this morning. This is the "hat" that he has to wear in order to correct the lopsided growth of his head. He's supposed to wear it 23 hours a day leaving 1 hour for cleaning the band and bathing Max. I can't tell yet how much it irritates or annoys him but I know it bothers me. However, he won't have to wear it too long (possibly only 6-8 weeks) and it really is necessary for his head to become more round. I'll post pictures soon but until then, here are some recent pics of the boys. Hope everyone is doing well and had a fabulous and safe 4th of July!
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