As for our family, we had a fabulous Christmas full of Fulmers, presents, dogs, laughs, tantrums, food, fun and very warm weather. As you know we were at Mike's parents' house but you may not know is that they have 3 West Highland Terriers. Four adults and 3 small dogs at your feet seemed perfect, but add a toddler who you can't take your eyes off of and 2 large dogs who are scared to death of the little dogs and you've got a house full. However, everyone (including the dogs) is becoming more and more comfortable...thank god! And oh yes, I did include tantrums in the list of things we enjoyed over the long weekend. Kaelan is most definitely an almost 2-year old full of "I want what I want, when I want it or else" attitude. Boy can he throw a royal fit if he really wants to! Poor Nana had never seen that side of him before but of course nothing could soil her opinion of that sweet little boy. His smile, his adorable voice, his interest in imitating every action, word and sound he hears, and his few but far between cuddles FAR outweigh his little fits here and there.
What's next for us? The terrible twos of course! We are thrilled that both sets of grandparents will be here for Kaelan's 2nd birthday. Even better, his Uncle Scott and Aunt Melonna are coming up from Florida as well. He is a very lucky little guy to have so many people around him who love him so much.
Also attached are holiday pictures. One of the pictures is of the three of us on Christmas Day and YES, Mike is in short sleeves. Christmas in Greenville, SC was probably the most beautiful day of the year, 65 and not a cloud in the sky. If I can't have a white Christmas, I'll take this any year. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday full of family AND friends. Oh, and don't forget to leave us a message if you have time!

I love the pictures! It sounds like you had a great Christmas. We can't wait to see you guys in February! Talk to you soon!