Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 25, 2013

Kaelan's Turn

I know it hasn't been that long since I wrote about Kaelan but I'm doing one for each boy, and let's face it, there's ALWAYS more to say about this guy.  As I mentioned in his birthday post a few weeks ago, the kid is reading already and all the time.  I finally remembered to record his abilities with the books he brings home from school.  All of the following examples show his 1st attempt at each book so he understandably has some trouble with a few words.  However, it's his decoding skills that make me the most proud.  He also is in the habit of rereading once he figures out the trouble word which helps with comprehension.
Happy Monkeys                              What's in the Soil?                                   Our Land
All of this he has done on his own.  I wish I could tell you it's because of me, or even because of school, but it's not.  It's ALL him!  I'm not sure why, but they don't do any sort of guided reading groups in his class.  That might not seem odd to most of you since it's only kindergarten, a land that we knew to be filled with coloring, cutting and pasting (or paste eating for some of my young classmates), dressing up in the home center, and fun songs.  But it's a whole new world we learn in now.  Reading, writing, and even math facts are academic standards from the very beginning of school.  I'm thrilled to say that based on his most recent progress report from last week, Kaelan has met all of the kindergarten standards except for knowing his math facts through 10.  He can easily figure them out, and knows some of them immediately, but they are supposed to know them fluently (reciting the answer without needing to do any actual figuring - instant answer) by the end of May.  I am also NOT, I repeat NOT a fan of the way school systems (at least those here in South Carolina) do elementary report cards now.  They are apathetic and encourage mediocrity and doing just enough (by giving symbols such as "+", "*", or "-") instead of striving to achieve an "A".  In my opinion, and the opinions of every parent and teacher I know within this system, it is absolute CRAP and does not at all prepare kids for what's to come later in school or life for that matter.

Ok, I am now off my soapbox and ready to share some pictures of my Kaelan!!!
One of his most recent drawings - Hawkeye, Captain America, Ironman, & Spiderman

100th Day of School celebration

Valentine's Day party at school

The boys recently had the opportunity to go to Build-a-Bear for the first time for a friend's birthday party.  Here he is with "Simon".

Our only snow this winter (none last year).  It wasn't much but luckily enough for a few snowballs.  :)

I think this may have been Max's first time playing in the snow since we didn't have any last year.  
 * I should have my camera back shortly so December posts, yes that's right - DECEMBER, should be coming soon.  :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blake Update

I've decided to post a little something about each boy over the next few days.  I'm starting with Blake for the simple fact that I was filing some paperwork and came across his 6-month well visit stats and realized that I had never shared them.  Being that his 9-month well visit is next week, I thought I should post those ASAP.  Better late than never I guess.  At 6 months and 5 days old, Blake weighed in at 17.75 lbs, ranking him in the 53rd percentile (down from the 75th at 4 months).  He was 26.75 inches long which ranked him in the 60th percentile.  Other than an odd rash (which cleared up quickly with some cream) on his thighs, back, and upper arms, he was fabulously healthy.  He was trying to sit up by himself, making movements like he wanted to crawl, making eye contact (or eyes depending on who he was looking at - he's a flirt like the other 2), drinking plenty of milk, sleeping well, happy all the time, making lots of noises, etc.  Although he had successfully eaten a few veggies by this time, he started to get very inconsistent with "people" foods.  He basically had decided he wasn't a fan by 6-months which worried me a bit.  I hadn't started fruits for fear he would never go back to veggies again.  The dr said to keep trying and that if it didn't change in the next couple of weeks I should call him.  However, literally within the week, he started enjoying "food" again and after having carrots, sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables, and even green beans, I introduced some fruits, which of course he loved.  :)  As you'll see in some of the following videos and pictures, it didn't take him long to start sitting up and army crawling (both he did within a month of that visit).  I'll add some more recent developments when I post his 9-month stats (hopefully late next week) but for now, here's some yumminess!
Sitting up unassisted for one of the 1st times but only lasted for 5-7 seconds.  It wasn't long before he was sitting long enough to enjoy his toys more.  Mike and I have decided that he likes toys a lot more than the other 2 at this age.

After he mastered sitting up, it wasn't long before he was on to his next  task...the army crawl.  This little trouble-maker made Christmastime a lot more exciting.  Here he is getting into the gifts Kaelan got Papa and Nana at his school Christmas Fair.

He is very interested in Jasmine.  I love the look on her face...haha.

First time swinging outside.  I'm dying to get a little swing for our set in the backyard.  That's a must have as soon as the weather improves.

Happy Colts fan!!!

Loves his toys!

Playing at the zoo

I was in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast when I started hearing the loudest squealing from the other room.  He had made his way to the hardwood foyer where he realized his voice carried and echoed a bit.  Why do all these boys have to be SO LOUD!!!!!  :)

I had to include this picture because it shows his chubby little face.  It's almost as bad as Kaelan's when he was on steroids.  LOVE!!!!
Finally, a clip of him giggling.  Sorry for the shakiness.  Apparently I was enjoying my role as jester a little too much.  :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Kaelan Turns 6!

Kaelan turned 6-years old on January 12th.  Although I can't believe I have a 6-year old, we are so proud of him and we feel extremely blessed that we get to be his parents.  He continues to do outstanding in school and is reading independently more and more.  He reads everything around him - signs, labels, billboards, stuff on TV - it's sooo fabulous!  His teacher sends home book bags every week with easy readers.  There's usually 1 or 2 very easy ones and the 2 or 3 that are meant to be read by the parent or together.  He now reads all of them by himself.  I've been meaning to get a video of this but of course I always forget.  His amazing memory is proving to be an incredible academic asset as we expected it would.  He retains everything and then is able to make connections later when he gets home which shows that he's actually understanding what he's learning.  I truly wish I could record all of the things he says.  He amazes me on a daily basis!

Here are some pictures from his birthday party at Chuck E Cheese.  Of course I still don't have my camera (although I'll hopefully get it back in the next couple of weeks) so my good friend Kathy was nice enough to be my photographer with her good camera.  Thanks Kathy, you're the BEST!!!!

He wanted a Jake and the Neverland Pirates party.  Since they don't have a Jake cake anywhere, he opted for this Phineas and Ferb cake.

Perhaps his favorite part, the ticket blaster.

Grandpa and Papa with baby Blake

Love the determined look on his face...haha

Playing games with Daddy

Great form!!!

Giddee-yup horsey!

Not a fan of characters, when Chuck E. was round, he was glued to Mommy.

The grandparents got stuck watching the little one the whole time.  Of course they didn't mind.  :)

Trying pizza for the 1st time.  A definite fan.

So proud of himself for standing (with Grandma's support of course).

Loved his 1st ever ride!