Max has started going to school for a few hours twice a week (8:20-12:20 on Tuesdays and Thursdays). He goes to Southside Christian School, the same school where Kaelan went to K4 last year. It's truly a fabulous school and we are thrilled for the opportunity to send him, however, it's been an adjustment for both Max and Mommy. I'm so used to having my little buddy with me every day, making me laugh and smile. He's used to being with me all the time. But, the same things that make it hard are the same things that make it necessary and beneficial. It's great to have some time with just Blake, especially now that he's changing and exploring so much. It's also SO important for Max to develop some independence as well as peer relationships. Perhaps the best reason of all though is that everything they do at Southside is based on Jesus and the Bible. It's so cute to hear Max say His name when you ask him what his story was about each day.
Like I said, it has definitely been an adjustment for Max and he's still figuring it all out. We talked it up SO much during the weeks leading up to his first day. He knows Kaelan goes to school everyday so he was excited to be a big boy like "Bubby". Here are some pictures from his 1st day.
Nana was nice enough to keep Blake so I could take Max without any distractions. Papa took this picture while I was taking B inside. He was happy and actually excited to go to school. |
On the way in I made him stop to take pictures. He was happy to show off the fact that he got to bring a lunchbox to school just like Bubby. |
Showing off his new school outfit Nana got him. |
Luckily, the kids were playing with cars and trucks on this big parking garage toy. He quickly joined them and didn't really care if I was there or not. It was the best possible 1st day drop-off scenario. He was so interested in everything new to play with, he didn't care what I was doing. I hung out for like 5 minutes chatting with his teachers before telling him I would come back to get him in a little bit. I took this picture through one of the door windows as I was leaving. He's got his hands up shouting, "Oh wow!" as the car he had "drove" down the garage ramp. :) |
I already love, love, love his teachers Mrs. Sylvie and Ms. Moye. They are incredible loving and patient and sensitive. Mrs. Sylvie took pictures to send me for the 1st couple of days so I would see how his day was going and so I'd know he was doing fine. LOVE her!!!!!! |
Reading a book to Woobie. I put Woobie in his backpack so he'd have him if he needed him but didn't give it to him at the beginning. 5-10 minutes after I left his teacher noticed he was playing off by himself so she went to see what he was doing. Once she could see his face she realized he had silent tears running down his poor little face. He was trying to be so brave but the change was catching up to him I guess. :(((( She gave him his woobie and it made him feel much more comfortable and safe. |
Decorating his "label" for his take-home folder. |
Just a couple more cute ones I couldn't resist. |
The next few school days did not go as smoothly but he is adjusting quickly and becoming more and more comfortable each time. He started crying right as he saw his classroom door the 2nd day so I let him have Woobie to get him settled. Although he would get distracted often and leave him behind, once he realized he didn't have him, he asked for him or would go back to get him. He cried the 3rd day but had stopped by the time I had put his lunchbox away and left. Yesterday was his 4th day and he only fussed for about 30 seconds and more importantly, Woobie stayed in the backpack the whole day. I'm hopeful he will happily go play with his friends right away within the next 2 visits. :))) LOVE YOU MAX!!!!
A few pics from his 2nd day... |