Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 28, 2012


Wanted to share some funny videos.  I've been trying to capture more stuff on video lately in hopes of eventually putting everything onto DVDs, or at least compile them all into one file on the computer (since my techie husband says DVDs will be obsolete by the time we'd want to watch them - uggghhh, annoying but right I guess).  Anyways, the kids say and do the funniest things and pictures just don't do some of it justice.

Last Friday we went to Cracker Barrel with Papa and Nana to celebrate Kaelan's fabulous week at school. He had a pretty rough time the week before so we gave him a goal of all greens on his behavior sheet for the week.  If he met his goal he would get to spend the night at Papa and Nana's house and play a new racing game they bought for the Wii.  As an added bonus, Carol thought we should take him out to eat at one of his favorite restaurants.  He says he likes it because of the chicken, I say he likes it because of the store.  haha  Anyways, obviously he achieved his goal and we were beyond proud of him.  On top of that, he continued his good behavior this week which is fabulous!!!  Here's a video of the boys playing in the store.  Obviously we have all boys so we have zero dolls in the house.  This paired with watching Mommy and Daddy take care of Baby Blake inspired this video.

As I've mentioned before, the boys love baseball, especially Max.  He can actually hit a pitched ball sometimes.  In this video, you can hear him hit (tip) the ball just before the momentum of the bat makes him fall down.  It's so cute and funny.  Unfortunately, the pitch before that one he really hit (past me) but of course I didn't think to start recording until after that.  Oh well...grrr!  It also shows Kaelan smashing a couple.  Not thinking, I started pitching him underhand balls since that's what I was pitching to Max.  He missed.  Switched to overhand and he hit every pitch (that Mommy actually put over the plate that is).  Backyard Baseball

Blake is quite the vocal little boy these days so I had to share how cute his baby babble is.

More exciting news, Max is now officially in big boy undies.  The only time he wears a diaper is during sleep times.  He doesn't really need one at nap (always stays dry) but I'd rather be safe than sorry.  We are SO incredibly proud of him!!!!!!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Blake's 4-Month Well Visit

Blake had his 4-month well-visit this morning and as expected it went very well.  He weighed 16 lbs 3 oz (75%ile) and was 25 1/4 in. long (63%ile).  He outweighs the other 2 at this age by far so that's great!  He is definitely a happy, chubby little guy as you can see by the following pictures.  His favorite new toys are his feet.  He loves to grab them any time he is laying down.  If he's not grabbing his feet while laying, he is rollingover and pushing up as high as he can.  He really gets his upper body up there so we think he'll be an early crawler, at least earlier than his brothers were for sure.  His favorite position though is definitely sitting up so he can see what's going on.  Always lots to look at around here with 2 big brothers.  He has just started showing an interest in toys, batting, talking to them, and putting them in his mouth.  He has also started making all kinds of noises - giggles, lots of coos, and spitting little baby bubbles - all of which are ADORABLE!!!  He is still getting 6 bottles daily of 5-6 oz.  The dr said it's up to us whether or not we want to start oatmeal now or wait til 6-months since he gets the nutrients he needs from breastmilk, but I think we'll go ahead and try it and see what happens.  I'll also introduce some veggies some time this month so I'll be sure to post some pictures of this messy development whenever it starts.

Loves sitting up in his chair!

Sleepy boy on this chilly morning

1st time in the high chair, watching Mommy in the kitchen.  Max saw him and said,  "Hey, that's my chair!"  :)

Kaelan thought he needed a hat so he's trying out Max's favorite one.

Not an especially good picture (plus I think I've already posted it) but it shows how he likes to push himself up.  He now likes to push up using his hands and not just his arms.  He moves his knees to wiggle himself forward but can't seem to coordinate both his hands and knees at the same time.  Instead he typically has his head down when he pushes forward with his knees, scraping his face across whatever he's laying on. If he's wiggled his way off the blanket, he is not a happy boy.  The carpet does not feel good on his poor little baby face.  
 We hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of the best season - FALL!!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Few More Videos

I had some other videos on the video camera that I apparently forgot to upload so I wanted to share a few more.

I finally got a decent video of Blake rolling over.  Of course before I got the camera out he was rolling over and over and over from one side of the blanket to the other and back.  But, once I get the camera out, it's like a sign to stop doing whatever behavior I wanted to document.  I guess that's the way it is with kids. :)

Kaelan is learning his sight words (they call them "popcorn words") at school.  They use little cheers to help them learn a couple new words each week.  Here he is doing his cheers to his first 3 words last week.

You've already seen both of these pictures but I wanted to show both of them on the same post so you could see how much older K looks.  :(  However, I forgot to add the one from 2 years ago yesterday so here they are together.  Kaelan as a beach mummy...
May 2010

August 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Randoms and Updates

I took the boys on a walk/bike ride one evening after dinner while Mike was away for work.  It's not easy pushing the stroller and Max's bike but it was really fun!!!

They needed to stop to let their bikes rest.  :)

It's always time for a picture around here

Blake got this adorable shirt from my cousin Christy.  It's a 6-month shirt and he's already busting out of it the 1st time he wears it.  I still squeeze him into it though because it's just TOO cute!!!

Emphasis on the word BIG!

Kaelan is such a great big brother.  When Blake is crying and one of us can't get to him right away (or choose not to), he is quick to go and cheer him up.  Blake usually stops crying almost immediately and starts smiling at his big brother.  Now that Blake can roll over, Kaelan figured he might as well roll over onto his Bubby.  :)

Happy Boy!

His preferred napping position now.  The motor on the swing (where he takes almost EVERY nap) has pretty much burned out after 5 years and 3 boys (AHHHH) but luckily, he has taken to napping in his crib very well.  I tried it one morning and it worked fabulously!  He watches his mobile for a bit and then rolls over and passes out.  He usually sleeps even longer now so he must really enjoy being a belly sleeper like his daddy.  :)

Climbing his new playset for the 1st time.

Who's bigger???!!!!!!

In big boy underwear for the 1st time.  He is no where near ready for this all the time, but he is doing really well with the potty training and I'm hoping to be diaper-free (at least during the day) by Christmas.

These boys love them some iPad!!!!

Riding the helicopters at a local Labor Day festival

Our turn - they wouldn't let Max ride without an adult even though he would have rather been with his big brother.  

Completing his 1st weekly homework assignment.  :)

This is a terrible picture but it's the only one I have right now and I had to show how well he's getting that big noggin' up.  He lifts it up and moves around like he really wants to crawl.  He's also rolling around all over the place these days.  I already posted about him rolling for the 1st time from back to belly but he can now roll belly to back as well.  He did this for the 1st time on August 31st while we were at the beach.  No one actually saw it but he got to his back again somehow.  :)  Actually, the first time I finally saw him do it was just 2 days ago when he pretty much rolled from one side of the living room to the other.  It's so fun to watch him!!!!

Sweet, sleeping, baby boy!!!!!  LOVE these jammies!!
I've done quite a few videos lately and haven't put any on the blog so I'm going to post a bunch of links below.  Don't forget, when you see the blue letters, you have to click on it to watch the video.  If you're looking at this in your email, you'll have to go to my actual blog to be able to view them.

- Max Dancing at Labor Day Festival
- Max Reading a Super Hero Book

The BEACH!!!

Last weekend we got to spend a few days at Papa & Nana's condo in Isle of Palms (Charleston).  We hadn't been since Max was 2 months old so we were all extremely excited to go.  Luckily it was a sunny and mild weekend so it was easy to spend as much time outside as we wanted.  Friday we took all 3 boy down to the beach for a bit.  Max was a little intimidated by the waves but as long as he was holding on to one of us, he was fine.  By day 2, he was loving the ocean and the waves!  Kaelan, the same boy who when he was 2-years old, would run away from the waves screaming, "RUN!!!", and who we couldn't get off of the dunes to enjoy the ocean and the beach, simply couldn't get enough.  He was diving into the waves, body surfing (or at least attempting to), and trying to boogie board.  We got some excellent videos which I'll attempt to upload before I post this.  We also enjoyed spending time with Papa & Nana in a very special place where many, many happy childhood memories will be made for the boys.

Putting his feet in for the first time.  I had to hurry because he did not like being "in" without holding my hand.
We must have said something about the ocean roaring or something because Max decided he needed to  "ROAR" back at it.

Just love this face :)

And this one...haha!  I'm not sure if he took this of himself or if I did.  Oh my goodness, I'm just now realizing this is Max.  I've thought it was Kaelan this whole time.  GEEZ!!!

"Wait for me guys!!!!"

A sunny "cheese"

A very happy beach boy!!!


He loves when Daddy buries him in the sand

We took him out the 1st day but he isn't too much of a fan of being hot so he spent the 2nd day inside with Papa and Nana.

Tuckered out from an exciting day at the beach

Playing in the sand was a highlight for all of us.  Mike always puts up our big tent thingy that my dad got us a few years ago.  It's the perfect thing to get everyone out of the sun when not in the water.  Thanks Grandpa!!!

Clearly he was much more comfortable in the water the 2nd day

Friday, September 7, 2012

A Visit From Our Favorite Uncle!

Of course this is coming late but I had to share these cute pics of the boys with my brother, Scott and his wife Melonna.  They came up from Florida for a week at the beginning of August.  We were absolutely thrilled to have them, especially for as long as we did.  We don't see them NEARLY enough and we treasure every minute!  The boys LOVE, LOVE, LOVE their Uncle Scott...and I think he's pretty OK too.  ;)

