Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 24, 2012

AFT 2012

With a new baby and a new house, there was just no way we were going to be able to take a vacation this summer which meant no AFT (annual friends' trip) unfortunately.  However, when you have friends as fabulous as mine, they bring the AFT to you!!!  We were so lucky to have the Senasec and McCormick families come to our house this year.  There were kids, toys, and noise everywhere, but it was SO much fun!!!!! 
We spent a day downtown checking out the farmer's market and walking Main Street.  Here are the big kids, plus Max, outside O.P. Taylor's Toy Store.

I just love how Jack has his arm around Max in this pic.  Of course the boys are drooling over the pirate stuff.  ;)

Stopped a couple doors down for lunch at a mexican restaurant.  However, with 6 adults and 9 kids...

we couldn't all fit at the same table.  :)

Then the kids cooled off at the splash pad

Mischievious Uncle Trent snuck up on Kaelan
 Back at home there was plenty of time at the pool...
Future husband and wife (sorry Wes...haha)  :)
 Plenty of time being superheroes...
Kaelan as Spiderman, Paige as a ninja Ironman, and Jack as a happy, sweet, but sneaky Mickey  

Keeping us safe by fighting the evil Mike
 And plenty of time being with friends!
Gracie is such a good Mommy.  She covered up Blake and kept him safe from all the shinanigans around them.  :)

Can you tell that Kaelan was sick of getting his picture taken?  LOL
 Definitely NOT plenty of time doing this...
Sleep was NOT very high on anyone's agenda (except for Blake's thank goodness!!!).  This picture was taken at almost midnight and they had finally just fallen asleep...on the same pillow.  LOVE!
My only regret (and I have NO idea how we let this happen) was that we neglected to get even one picture of all 9 kids together.   :(((  Oh well, that's why we have AFTs, to be sure we have a time each year for us all to be together.  I guess we can wait until next summer.  :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Grandma & Grandpa visits

I'm sure I've already mentioned this before, but we are incredibly fortunate and grateful to have my parents (Grandma & Grandpa) come for visits at least every-other-month.  In fact, they were willing to come twice this summer, both last month and just last weekend.  It was SO nice to have them here a week after we moved.  Dad helped hang shelving, organize the garage, play with the boys, and many other things and Mom (thank God!!!) was willing to feed the baby pretty much every time so I could continue unpacking and organizing.  This was a ginormous help and I'm so thankful to them!!!  One of the best parts about having them around is that Grandpa always has a camera handy and takes fabulous pictures (as much as we were annoyed by that as kids...haha).  ;)  Here are some of the best ones from last month's visit.
Grandpa took Kaelan on his 1st fishing trip (Max & I tagged along too).  It was CRAZY hot and there wasn't much action but fortunately, the only person to catch a fish was Kaelan.  It was a great experience for all of us!

Proud fishermen

Of course Grandpa's duties included baiting the hooks and touching the fish.  :)

Max getting in on the action

We decided to walk around the lake to see if there were any better fishing spots

Pouting because he didn't want to walk anymore...hahaha!!!

Kaelan, always the early riser, spent each morning outside with Grandpa.  Here he is showing off the new Spiderman G & G brought him.

Yes, he's too big for this 4-wheeler.  So big in fact... 


"Darn, I was hoping nobody saw that."

Max's turn

Kaelan at the same age with same hat on.  :)))))) 

Boys and their trucks

Apparently it took all 4 of us to figure out how to put the trin track back together

"My try?"
Doing her job and doing it WELL!!!!  He must have gained 3 pounds while they were here.  He is quite the CHUNK!!!!  ;)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

1st Day of School - WHAT??!!!!

Well, the day finally came.  Today we dropped Kaelan off at his first day of real school.  I can't believe I'm old enough to have a kid in Kindergarten and I can't believe my baby is old enough to be that kindergartener.  There are a million feelings - I'm anxious, excited, happy, sad, but I think most of all proud of my little buddy.  He's gonna love school and do really well I just know it!  He has 22 kids in his class at Simpsonville Elementary School and 2 teachers, Mrs. Ritter and Ms. McCreary (the assistant).  One seems to be more of the no nonsense but kind type and one more of the warm-n-fuzzy, nurturing type.  Kaelan needs both of these personalities so I'm hoping he'll have a fabulous year of Kindergarten and continue his lifelong love of learning!!!
Good Morning! Can't wait for school!!

On our way there

Such a happy boy!!! "Just let me go into my room already!"

This was the 2 of them during the Back to School Open House Monday night.  :)
 Although the most important part of this day was Kaelan beginning school, I wanted to include some other great pics and memories of our very special, oldest "baby". 
All About Kaelan!
Mike and I both have memories of playing in the rain as kids.  Kaelan thought we were crazy but I finally coaxed him into going outside to see how much fun it can be.  I couldn't, however, break Max away from watching Little Einsteins to play with his brother.  K enjoyed it but bored quickly since he was out there by himself. 

Love this video!

Kealan has always loved the water but his swimming has improved tremendously this summer.  He can swim independently even when he can't touch.  He's not completely independent yet and isn't allowed to play in the deep end.  However, it's SO wonderful to know that he knows exactly what to do if he gets in "over his head"...haha!  ;)

Kaelan the rock star

"Look out Grandpa!"
Waiting for Daddy to take off his training wheels. 

It was a short first attempt at learning to ride his bike but a step in the right direction.

His 1st ever fish - thanks Grandpa!!!! (more to come on this in a later post)
 Kaelan uses my iPad during his "quiet time" each day. He plays learning games or uses art apps. Here are a few of my favorite "pieces."

A shepard

Some water scenes


My personal fave - it's a picture of him with goggles on and it reads, "Time to go to the pool."  I'm a very proud mom! :)

And let's face it, it wouldn't be Kaelan without a picture of a pirate

Kaelan's last day of school (Pre-K) back in May.  They had a big picnic with family invited, water fun, and games.  Daddy went with K since it was the day after Blake was born and we were still in the hospital.  Thanks Kathy for the great pics!!!
Baseball - I may have already posted some of these back in the spring but can't remember and wanted to show them all together.  Kaelan had a great season and learned so much.  He learned to hit pitches thrown overhand and rarely had to use the T, especially towards the end of the season.  He was pretty good at field and threw to 1st base well, but we definitely need to work on his urgency when running the bases.  He runs but laughs the whole way and it slows him down.  He started to pick up some speed by the last few games so we know he'll be ready to go next spring.
He's GREAT at keeping his eye on the ball

Thanks to another parent for these next few fabulous shots!