Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 25, 2012

Just Some Pics...

At a nearby festival

Coloring a crown and mask at an art festival downtown.  Normally Mike and I would have pretty much zero interest in an art festival but since we have an aspiring artist on our hands, we wanted to see if he would enjoy it.  Of course he really liked it and Max did too.  Plus, any reason to be outside and/or downtown as a family is enough for us.  :)

The finished product

Batman face-paint - I love this look on his face, "Ya, I'm Batman and you like it!"
A lazy morning on the couch

Max loves hats!!!  He calls this a "hee haw hat".  :)

Testing out brother Blake's temporary bed (he sleeps with me and poor Mike is on the couch since we don't have another bedroom here in the apartment)

Max is an amazing player.  He has a wonderful imagination and will play contently by himself.  He plays with lots of different toys and makes them interact with each other.  I LOVE listening to him play!!!!  Here he decided to make a truck parade. 

The end of his 1st bath.  He enjoyed the warm water but did not like being cold when he got out.

Our 1st photo with a family of five.  Sorry about your head Blake.  :)

My boys!!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Our New Home

Well, as I'm simulaneously knocking on wood, I'm going to share the photos of our nearly completed new home.  As you can tell, there is some skepticism behind this post because we have had hiccups and mishaps and snags at almost every step of this building process.  So, the fact that we are supposed to close on the house this Wednesday and move in Thursday might unfortunately be a hope instead of a fact at this point.  From the sales department, to the builders, to the lenders, everyone has had their share of mistakes and slow development.  However, there is a beautiful new home almost ready and waiting for us and here are the pictures to prove it.  Warning, this update is mostly for my documentation and for family members.  Please feel free to skip if you just like seeing and reading about the little ones.  :)
Obviously a view of the front of the house before the shutters and doors were painted

Just a different angle

Shutters and front door painted black, garage doors white

The 2-story "foyer"

Office off of the foyer

Powder room

A view from the living room looking towards front door

Dining Room

From kitchen into living room

Upstairs hallway/landing towards 2-story foyer

Looking into master bedroom (Mike's looking into the sitting area, better known as the Fulmer gym)

A shot from the master bath

Master bath

Back of the house

Friday, June 22, 2012

Quick Update and Pics

Little Blake had his 1-month well-visit this morning and he is doing fabulously!  He now weighs 9 lbs 7 oz and is 21 1/4" long which puts him in the 40th percentile for both.  This is the first kid in our family without an extreme measurement in at least one area (his head is average as well).  Kaelan's head of course was almost off the charts big and Max's size continues to be off the charts low.  No matter what, they are all healthy as can be and, I dare say, ADORABLE!!!  ;)

The big news for this update is that Blake has started smiling...on purpose.  Yesterday, while talking and smiling at him after 2 of his diaper changes, he smiled back.  The dr told us that social smiling usually happens around 6 weeks but I allowed myself to believe it was with purpose.  However, today, he "interacted" quite a bit - smiling, moving his arms and legs (seemingly with excitement), and following me with his eyes - which proves to me that there was intent behind those adorable grins.  In fact, I was even able to catch a couple with the camera.  Sorry about the angle of a couple of them.  I had to look at him instead of through the camera so I apologize if you go a little cross-eyed.  :)

An all picture post is soon to come (hopefully tomorrow or tonight).

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Welcome Blake Matthew

We would like to introduce you to Blake Matthew Fulmer who arrived via c-section a few minutes after 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 22nd.  Blake weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 20 1/4 inches long.  He is the sweetest, most content little guy who already loves his big brothers.  Here are a bunch of pictures from his very first days.

Sweet baby boy wrapped up in a hospital blankie

He of course pretty much slept the entire time in the hospital, but luckily for Grandma and Grandpa (who I tried to Skype with nightly), there was a short time each night before bedtime that he'd be awake for them to enjoy.
We spent the night at Papa and Nana's the night before so the boys could stay with them while we had Blake.  They brought the boys to the hospital soon after we got into our room.  I was SO excited to see them and they were SO excited to see their new baby brother.  :)

Big brother holding baby Blake for the first time.  Kaelan is SOOO good with him and Blake absolutely LOVES him.
Me and my boys

Max can NOT get enough of his new brother.  Literally, the 1st words out of his mouth every time we get him out of bed are, "Where baby go?"

Sweet little sleeper

I just love this pic of Max.  He still has the sweetest little face.

This is the other thing Max can't get enough of...kissing the baby.  The funny thing is that he doesn't say the word "kiss," he asks, "I give baby a mmmwa (the kissing sound)?"  It's SOOO cute!!!!

Proud big bubby

This was his "home from the hospital" outfit from Nana.  He's our little monkey!  ;)
Blake is proving to be even easier than his brothers before him.  We have been extremely fortunate to have very happy, content newborns and this little guy is no different.  He took to nursing/eating, sleeping, and finding a schedule/routine faster than the other two.  In fact, he is only waking up once during the night, sleeping from around 10:30 to around 3:30 and then until around 8:00.  He's done this almost from the start, at least after the 1st week, once I stopped waking him up to eat every 3 hours.  He eats every 3 hours during the day, plus or minus 15 minutes or so, and is gaining wonderfully.  At his 2-week check yesterday he weighed in at 8 lbs 8 oz, far surpassing the expected birth weight goal for 2 weeks.  Nothing could make me happier since when you nurse you just never know what they're getting.  Also, he's already grown roughly 3/4 of an inch, measuring 21 inches.  His laid-back personality is not the only thing he has in common with his brother Maddox, just look how similar they are as newborns.  Can you tell who is who?