Day 2 of Max's birthday weekend was full of sunshine and fun. We met Nana & Papa at the park after church for lunch and to celebrate. The boys played on the playground a bit, but more importantly, they got to play ball (Max's favorite!!!!).
Ready to "play ball!" |
I just like how happy he looks running after the ball in this pic |
"Ay-batter-batter" |
Papa and Nana got him this AWESOME learning tricycle. It comes with that removable bar that we can use to push him. He can put his feet on the pedals which turn as we push so he can get used to that motion. We remembered that was one of the hardest things for Kaelan to grasp when he first started riding a bike. The pedals can also be deactivated for younger ones. It has a sun shade, a bucket in the back for storing toys (and balls of course), a cup holder, a bag that attaches to the handle for storing our stuff, and a steering wheel and buttons that make real car sounds (all of which, along with the wrap around part of the seat, come off once he's able to just use it as a tricycle. It is SO neat and we will get SO much use out of it for years to come. |
Of course he can't let go of his ball and glove |
"Look out Daddy!" |
Now he's really ready, helmet and all |
His Choo-Choo cake |
Waiting to blow out his candles. I think he looks just like my grandpa in this picture. :) |
Proud of himself after blowing out his candles |
Enjoying his cake. He eventually just reached over and started picking all the icing off the big cake instead of eating his own piece. The boy knows what he wants. ;) |
The next day (Monday) was his 2-year well-check. They checked his ears to be sure the ear infection he had 10 days prior was all cleared up. Max was a trooper in the dr's office. He anticipated all the different "inspections" the dr had to do, showing his ears, eyes, and opening his mouth well before he actually needed to. For some reason, he likes the "ahhh" part, which the dr loves too because he doesn't even have to use the tongue depresser. Max weighed-in at 22.6 pounds which is only in the 2.25%ile and was 33.25 in tall which is in the 28%ile. His speech is still a little behind but because he's really been making great improvements lately, the dr isn't worried. He truly thinks he's just a late bloomer and that there's nothing to worry about at this point. He has been attempting WAY more real words lately, often repeating the last word(s) we say to him. He still says his share of gibberish often, but it is clear that he knows exactly what he's trying to say. He is very active and can climb, run, kick, and throw very well. As for fine-motor skills, he loves to build towers (and knock them down of course), color, play with smaller action figures (Kaelan's), use his utensils. I just started working with him on using a real cup instead of a sippy and he's definitely open to learning. Potty training is still in process as he still doesn't consistently (if ever) tell us when he needs to go. He just now has started telling us right after he goes in his diaper but at least that's a step in the right direction. Part of it is my fault since I'm not as consistent as I need to be. Although he has started showing a bit of a temper (rarely and probably due to not being able to communicate properly - just screams) and can show an ornery side, he has the best little sense of humor and is still the sweetest, most lovable little guy EVER!!!! We are really hoping his laid-back personality will come in handy being the "middle child". All-in-all, he's PERFECT!!!!!!