Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Luckily for you, November was not nearly as eventful as October.  :)  There were, however, some fun fall festivities to share.  At the beginning of the month, I met Kaelan and the rest of the kindergarten classes from his school at a "Farm Day" field trip hosted by the FFA of a local high school.  The kids had the opportunity to see, learn about, and often touch farm animals.  There are 6 kindergarten classes at his school so we did not all finish at the same time.  While waiting for the rest to finish up, the Kaelan's class kept busy thanks to the quick thinking of their fabulous teachers.  Here he is playing Duck, Duck Goose for the first time.

One of the other highlights of the past couple of months (at least for him), is that Kaelan got his first loose tooth.  Although it was exciting for all of us, it's also a sign that my "baby" is growing up.  Mike and I are always talking about how he's not even a "boy" anymore, he's a full-on KID.  :(  He has changed SO much since starting school.  Not only is he reading and writing and growing so much academically, but he has matured so much too.  He continues to be so sweet with Blake, but he and Max have become such good buddies lately.  Max can finally talk well enough to communicate effectively and they both have wonderful imaginations!  They share and take turns and luckily enjoy playing with the same things usually.  It has been so super to watch and to listen to.  We are SO proud of our big boy!  :)

Blake grew a lot this month and is happier than ever.  He smiles at EVERYONE who talks to him, which is often random people at stores (odd).  It's funny...people always start out talking to him but then comment about how we have "3 boys, huh?"  Luckily, we can always respond with a confident, "They're good boys so it's pretty easy."  Here are a couple videos of Blake's noises.  Giggle Bug     Squealer

At the end of the month we were lucky enough to see Grandma and Grandpa 2 weekends in a row.  They spent Thanksgiving week with Scott and Melonna but stopped here (a good half-way point) on the way down and the way back.  We got to keep their dog Belle while they were gone which we LOVED, especially Jasmine.  Belle is a SUPER playmate and forces Jas to actually MOVE! haha  We ll miss her great energy when she's gone.  We also celebrated "Christmas" with them while they were here since the next time we would see them wouldn't be until January for Kaelan's 6th birthday.  Unfortunately, I haven't downloaded the pictures from this weekend and even more unfortunately, I left my camera in Atlanta when we were there for the Fulmer Family Christmas Party last week...GRRRRR!!!!  However, here's a little video of the boys opening their presents from Grandma and Grandpa.

Finally, Thanksgiving of course!  The festivities began with a Kindergarten Thanksgiving Program at Kaelan's school.  I got there nice and early to be sure we got a great seat (front row!!!).  Kaelan had been practicing his songs and "choreography" for the past couple of weeks so we couldn't wait to see them in the real thing.  He did a fabulous job but, as you'll see, was a little distracted by the kids on the other side of the risers.  He tended to be their spectator instead of being the actual act.  (I needed to GET OVER IT!!!!  He's only 5 after-all.)  It was super cute and we look forward to many more of these types of performances with the boys as the years go by.  We spent Thanksgiving with Papa and Nana this year.  Nana had bought the boys these super cute pumpkin decorations that Kaelan quickly put to use as soon as we got there that afternoon. Afterwards, we had a DELICIOUS dinner!!!!

Max didn't care about the actual decorating but he didn't mind showing off  "his" little turkey.  :)

SOOO cute!!!!  Thanks Nana!!!!!!
They also got to paint some pumpkins here at home that week.
LOVED it!!!

Serious business to this artist.

When Kaelan's vision didn't turn out as he'd hoped, he was happy to create an abstract instead.  :)
Some other pics from the month...
Perhaps the funniest moment of the month.  We were at Target window-shopping for our Christmas lists.  The boys found these guitars and put on a little show.  Max was rocking so hard, his pants fell down.  Did that stop this rock star? No way!!!  He just kept on rockin'!

Happy to be decorating for Christmas!

Santa's helpers!

"Daddy, you're funny!!!"

Excited about the new toys Grandma and Grandpa brought them.  Of course these aren't even their Christmas presents.  The boys got these the night Mom and Dad got here on their way down to FL.  Grandparents never come empty handed (again, I needed to GET OVER IT!!!!).  :)

December soon to come!
We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and will have a safe and Happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Ok, so imagine my surprise (and disappointment) when I go to post pictures of the boys sitting on Santa's lap and see that my last post was way back in SEPTEMBER!!!  UGGGHHHHHH!!!!!  Needless to say, you'll have another few days of numerous posts that won't be as detailed as I would have hoped since I'm trying to rush to get all these out before Christmas next week...ahhhh!  Anyways, it's gonna be a long one, but here are the best pics from the month of October.  Feel free to take numerous breaks while viewing this post.  :)
One of our regular trips to the Greenville Zoo.  We got some fabulous family shots now that Blake was a little older.  This  was one of our best trips.  One of the reasons it was so great is how this white-nosed coati was playing with the boys.

Best Big Brother!!!

Extremely funny story...Now that Max is potty trained I'm trying to encourage him to go potty independently.  This particular time he did a great job going all by himself.  The problem was putting his pants back on.
If you look closely you can see that he put both legs through the same hole of his shorts and then put his underwear on...backwards.  You have to give him kudos for trying!!!

Playing the drums at a local school fall fesitval

ADORBS!!!!  He continues to be quite the chatterbox.  Unfortunately, you have to be pretty loud to keep up in this house.  POOR MOMMY!!!!!!

Another funny story...We were grocery shopping and obviously in the produce section.  I forgot something at the other end of the veggies so I told Max to stay with the cart and I went back to get it (of course I was not so far away that I couldn't see the cart).  After retrieving my vegetable, I turned to go back to the buggy (as they call it in the south) and I didn't see Max.  As you know, he is not the type to run off so I was a little worried.  Not being able to spot him as I neared the cart, I kept walking past it, with admittedly a little fear.  The above is what I found just behind the buggy.  Chillin' with the potatoes, hand in his pocket, waitin' on Mommy.  LOVE!!!!!!!!

10/6 - First attempt at cereal

A little bit of a

This face tells it all

Hangin' out downtown at Falling for Greenville 
Kaelan and I at his field trip to the pumpkin patch
 Charleston - Beach
We took the boys to Patriots Point off the Charleston Harbor for the 1st time.  They got to see the USS Yorktown (WWII air craft carrier), the USS Clamagore (submarine that served during the Cold War), USS Laffey (WWII destroyer), and numerous air craft that were aboard the Yorktown.  We all had a GREAT time!
That's Mike, Kaelan, and Max on the look-out of the tower on top of the USS Yorktown.  Air craft carriers are truly a sight to see.  They are ENORMOUS and the Yorktown is a dwarf compared to modern carriers.

Blake enjoyed the ride while we toured the Laffey destroyer

Max at the helm of the destroyer

The weather was a little chilly and clearly extremely windy!!!!

We covered him up completely just to keep the wind and blowing sand off of him while he napped and we played in the sand.  
Showing off the sand castle he and I made.  The chilly, windy weather didn't stop these 2 CRAZY boys from getting in the water.  
Grandma & Grandpa Visit
Posing with the puzzle they put together.  Heaven forbid Grandma & Grandpa come empty-handed (hehehe!!!).  ;)

Playing kickball with Daddy

Grandpa graciously decided that the boys had to have a sandbox.  So, just like his grandfather did for him, he spent the weekend building a fabulous sandbox.  Thanks to Mike for helping as well.
Of course the men had the tools out so Max wondered if he was strong enough to pick up this sledge hammer...
and he was!!!!  Small and mighty I guess.  ;)
Grandpa brought some binoculars (spyglass) for the boys to play with.  A huge hit with both of them!
Playing/building with the spare pieces of wood.

Ridin' the waves!
Clearing out the grass
I just included this picture because of Max's face.  This is the face he gives when he means BUSINESS!!!!
Look out bad guys!!!!
In goes the sand...waiting patiently
Happily spreading the sand around

I think they need some more sand toys...hahaha

Mike let Kaelan make the face for the jack-o-lantern.  They decided it was a little too involved.  :)

Cleaning out the "guts"
The finished product.  Mike is an excellent carver!
Our little ninja on our way to Boo at the Zoo

A friend let us borrow this one-eyed monster costume.  The only boy who was not Tigger for his first Halloween.  Not sure what we did with that costume but I think he makes a better monster anyways.  ;)

How cute is Kaelan!!!!!!

He cracks me up!!!
Halloween, ready to trick-or-treat!

Mike decided we should all be festive

LOVE!!!!!  He was the cutest little trick-or-treater.  Everyone got the biggest kick out of the way he said greeted them at the door!