Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Old Videos

I just now uploaded the videos from the last 2 months.  Here are the ones from when Grandma and Grandpa were here in September.

Scavenger Hunt 1  (This was the best idea my dad had.  I loved watching it and Kaelan loved participating.  Of course Max loved "helping".  haha)
Scavenger Hunt 2   (The kid has a memory like you wouldn't believe!)

Children's Museum 1
Children's Museum 2
Children's Museum 3
Children's Museum 4
Children's Museum 5

Monday, November 7, 2011

Field Trip

Kaelan had his first field trip at his new school last month.  They went to the pumpkin patch, and the best part is that Max and I got to tag along (one of the few perks of not working).  All the kids had a blast!
Getting off the bus.  He loves to ride the bus for some reason.  :)

Learning about pumpkins

Pointing to the last part of the pumpkin, the stem.  Who knew pumpkins had belly buttons?!

"Found my pumpkin!"

Pretty perfect if you ask me!!!

Showing off their new treasures (that's Kaelan's buddy Samantha).  Max, "I didn't get no stinkin' pumpkin."

Back on the tractor

Observing a working bee hive

About to get back on the bus.  Who knows what he's doing.  ;)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Football Begins

Kaelan began his first official, organized athletics program, little league football through the YMCA.  His first practice was last Saturday and although it was extremely windy and very chilly, you'll see he had a great time.
Playing around with one of his Cowboy teammates before practice begins. He started the morning with just this bright green shirt.

Their first drill was to practice grabbing someone's flag.  The runner was the coach's older son who took it easy on the newbies.  :)

2nd drill - speed drill to run around the cones (defenders).  We quickly realized that speed is not one of Kaelan's strengths but we know he will have others...eventually.  ;)

Listening to directions.  Organized games and drills is obviously new to him (and many of the others) because it was difficult for him to grasp exactly what he was supposed to be doing.  However, he smiled the whole time.  By this time, he saw some other boys wearing football shirts and jerseys so he wanted his. Luckily Daddy had his in the truck.

Just a plain old running drill, back and forth
This was the best part of the whole morning.  This drill was like a scrimmage at the most basic level.  There were a couple kids on offense (basically just 1 runner and a couple waiting their turn) and the rest were defenders.  When the whistle blew, the runner would try to get to the coach on the other end of the field without losing their flags.  This was Kaelan's turn.  I had to include all the pictures because it shows the whole play and how well he did.  Oh, and by this time, he was ready for his fleece...brrrrrr!!!!!

He reached the other coach just a couple steps further...TOUCHDOWN!!!

Getting coached at safety.  As the last line of defense in soccer, his mom would love him to play this position some day.

This little happy guy just ran around an adjacent field and threw footballs around the whole time. He loved the crazy wind, Mom did not!  :)

This drill was all about learning out-of-bounds.  The runner had to stay within the cones.  At the beginning of the practice, the coach explained that this season would be VERY basic but if the kids could learn out-of-bounds, it would be a success.  Clearly K has a ways to go, but it's only the first practice.  :)


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Festivities

We had a very eventful weekend full of Halloween (and football - more to come about that later) fun.  First, on Friday evening, we went to our very first Boo at the Zoo.  It was QUITE cold and a little wet at the beginning but everyone had lots of fun and got lots of treats.  Then Saturday night, there was a Halloween party at Holly Tree (Papa's golf club).  Finally, trick or treating on Monday.  Good times and yummy treats, what could be better!

Coming out of the Not-So-Scary-House

Can you see how happy he was to be sitting in the straw?  hahaha

A quick stop to play one of his masterpieces before entering the party at Holly Tree

Showing off his Batman moves in the fog

They had fantastic decorations, complete with a headstone for all the families that were there.

A rare shot of both of them facing the right direction

Kaelan's 1st attempt at bobbing for apples.  He actually got one, but then bit the whole piece off and the apple fell back into the water.  :)

Pin the wart on the witch, with an audience of course

Way to go K...right on the nose!!!!

Puting on a show

Taking a bow

He doesn't stay still long so had to put this one in

Turning Mommy into a mummy.  "What is he doing to you Mama?"

Borrowing one of the other dad's Captain Jack wig.  A highlight of his evening of course! ;)

Not to be outdone, borrowing the same dad's golf hat

Batman and Robin preparing for trick-or-treating

Our attempt at a photo shoot.  Surely they will get better as the boys get older...surely.

The masked crusaders (Robin's scrunched his eyes down so he wouldn't keep it on).