Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Max is ONE!!!!!!

This was the greeting Max had on his way into school on his birthday. What a WONDERFUL way to start the day!!!! It's sad but baby boy is 1 and changing more and more all the time. His 1-year well check was good. He is in the 12% in height and only 4% in weight, YES I said 4%...haha. He is quite the little peanut but the dr said it's nothing to worry about. He is proportioned and as he continues to eat more and more table food (and he DOES), he will continue to gain weight appropriately. He often eats huge lunches and dinners so we're not worried.

In fact, he went back to the dr a week later and he had already gained almost a full pound. Of course he was fully clothed but was definite growth. Unfortunately, the reason he was there was not so super. We found out that he had another double ear infection and his throat was very red. No strep though so that was good. The poor little guy had 2 of the worst days of his little life last Friday and Saturday. His throat and ears hurt terribly. Tylenol couldn't work well enough and the antibiotic for his ears couldn't work fast enough. However, he got through it and is much better now.

He hasn't really started doing very many new things since the last post a couple weeks ago. However, we do need to buy another baby gate for the bottom of the stairs because he can definitely climb now. He still enjoys playing with balls of any kind and loves following his big brother around wherever he goes. Max thinks Kaelan is just the funniest thing ever. Mike and I absolutely LOVE watching the 2 of them together (usually). :) With all the good also starts to come some bad toddler-type behaviors. My sweet, innocent, content little boy is developing quite the little temper...and that DOES NOT make Mommy happy. If he can't do something he wants to do or get to someplace he wants to get to, he yells and clinches his fists. He has also started throwing himself back when we're holding him, usually only when he's really tired or when he was unhappy when his ears hurt. At mealtime, he'll throw food and slam his hands down making the food splatter. MESSY!!!! I know he'll get over it but it's annoying. :)

Oooohhh, I almost forgot, he FINALLY got his 1st tooth!!! His bottom right middle finally broke through last Tuesday, March 22.

Ok, here's all the pics from the birthday week(end)...

The spread before the festivities began.

Singing "Happy Birthday" "Should I touch it?"
Kaelan couldn't get too close for too long. He spend the weekend with the flu and feeling HORRIBLY!!!! He had a false negative flu test the Thursday before so the poor guy just had to wait it out. He went 3-4 days barely making it out of his pajamas and not eating anything. Motrin was the only thing getting him out of bed or off the couch. He was literally out of comission for a full week but is all better now thank God!

Tentatively taking a taste, and then...


"Want some?"

All cleaned up and showing off his "Zoolander" look after Daddy fixed his hair. We lovingly call him Ed Grimley.
Check out that happy little tongue! :)
Of course big brother had to help open the presents. I don't know who had more fun. ;)
Love that little grin!
About to pass out but basking in the sounds and colors of all his fun new toys.
We think he thought the paper was the present. haha
Loves to chase this big one around.
"Grandpa, you're crazy!!!!"

Getting ready for a Sunday stroll at the Riverwalk. Beautiful day!!!

"I got a cookie! I got a cookie!"

"Whyyyyyy did you take away my coooooookie?"
"Ahh, at last!!!"

(I had to show Grandma and Grandpa how pitiful he is if you take something away from him. It's like his poor little hurt is literally breaking in front of you. Is it wrong that I think it's HILARIOUS??!! HAHAHA)
Birthday cupcakes at school

His 1st painting masterpiece! Bids start at 1 chocolate-chip cookie... ;)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Few More

Before Max's big birthday post, I wanted to put up a few more pictures and funny little comments. For example, the other day we went to an indoor outlet mall that we'd never been to before. Well, it has a carousel in the middle of the food court. As we're walking by trying to find the store we need, Kaelan says, "Whoa Mommy, I can't believe my eyes!" hahahaha
Yes, he has had some zingers lately and continues to get funnier and funnier all the time. However, with this sense of humor also comes his urge to be class-clown which can sometimes get him into a little trouble at school. He is doing better and better though all the time so I'll take a yellow day here and there just from being silly and a little disruptive. A couple days ago, he was sitting at the dining room table (I think coloring) and as I walked by he said, "Mommy, guess who loves you????" I stopped..."Who?" He got the biggest smile on his face and with both thumbs, pointed to himself. :)))) Can he lay on the charm or what??!!! Look out ladies!!!!!
Max is doing great. Happier than ever and super lovey. He's been using his walker more and more, even pulling himself up on it. I think I've already said that he can cruise now so we're just waiting for his coordination and confidence to strengthen enough for those first steps. Keeping my hopes up that he'll be a baby forever is a lost cause now that he's ONE!!!!!!! :(

His favorite toys, even at school.

Ms. Leigh (1 of his teachers) brought in whipped cream for the kids to play with. This is the 1st taste...

Now double-fisting...

I'd say he liked it!! :)
Playing with the trains at a new Children's Museum here in Rock Hill.

Beware of Wolverine!!!!!

Loves dancing to the music

After enjoying spaghetti for dinner

Playing hide n seek

My favorite game