Well, I have again neglected our blog and months have gone by without an update. I promise to do a new posting to show pics of the Christmas holiday and Kaelan's 3rd birthday but I'm waiting until I get some more pictures from the grandparents to ensure I show the best ones. In the meantime, I wanted to show everyone the new nursery. With the help of Papa's tools and Grandpa's much needed assistance, Mike and I finished the baby's room and we're really happy with it. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

This picture is taken from the doorway. Sorry about how dark it is. The sunlight wasn't ideal for a picture of the window itself, but great for the rest of the photos.

Nice large chest of drawers and the comfy chair from the living room to nurse the little guy in. Thank god it fits because going up and down the stairs in the middle of the night would definitely not be ideal.

The new crib that we LOVE!!!!! (Thanks Papa and Nana) This picture also shows a great shot of the chairrail that Mike and Grandpa put up. Did they do a fabulous job or what! We left the bottom color (it's the same as the rest of the house) and matched a blue from the bedding for the top color. We weren't sure at first, but now that everything is in, we're thrilled with how it turned out.

A closer look at the bedding. Believe it or not, Mike is the one who picked out this bedding. We like it more and more everytime we look at it. The combination of the turtles and the polka dots is so super cute...perfect for a baby boy!!!!

The changing table with mini-baskets on the 2 shelves underneath. These baskets along with the larger ones you'll see in the closet were again chosen by Mike. Is he super or what!!!!

The little walk-in closet which we gutted, painted, and redid with new organizers. I'm SO happy with the organization and storage this new closet allows without having any wasted space.

A closer look. 2 of the rods of clothes are already packed and it's only newborn thru 9 month clothes (and not even all of it). Thank god for having 2 boys!

A shot of the little narrow shelving unit that will be great for toys and books. There is one inside both sides of the doorway.
Ok, in closing...I have to thank my fabulous husband. Mike has been absolutely incredible throughout this nursery project. I can't even begin to tell you how stressed and emotional I have been for so many reasons, not the least of which has been not having the baby's room ready. 2 weeks ago, this room was covered with boxes of baby stuff and junk, without a plan and without an item purchased. He knew my hormones have been causing me to be a basket-case (quite often) and he got this room going and finished pretty quickly. I'm sooo happy and there has been a huge weight lifted off my very pregnant shoulders. Now if he could only solve my sleeplessness...just kidding.
Oh, and our c-section has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 9th at 12:30 although I have no doubt that this little man will enter the world before that day. We shall see!!!!