Well, it has been FAR too long since my last post and I have so much to share, however, 1 post just won't be sufficient. So, I'll start with our recent trip to Hollywild and add more later about our new house and other news.
Kaelan riding a hippo (ya, it's real, I swear!)
Kaelan, mommy, and daddy on the safari ride.
Kaelan feeding a llama on the safari, being very careful not to get too close.
Kaelan feeding some goats. He LOVED it and said it, "tickles my hand, mommy."
Attempting to feed a teeny, tiny, baby deer. Instead of eating the food K tried to give him, he sucked on Kaelan's finger like it was a bottle. SO CUTE!!!!!
Look at the size of that buffalo. (we are in a full-sized school bus)